With over 500 different student organizations, UH has many options for students to get involved. | Christopher Charleston/ The Cougar
Attending UH is part of what makes a student an integral piece in the campus community, but if they want to take it a step further, they can participate with student organizations.
Student organizations that operate out of UH are separated into a few categories, including University Sponsored Organizations, Registered Student Organizations and Affiliated Organizations.
University Sponsored Organizations
University Sponsored Organizations are funded by UH student fees allocated by the Student Fees Advisory Community.
The seven USOs that operate under the umbrella of the Center for Student Involvement are the Homecoming Board, Council for Cultural Activities, Frontier Fiesta, Student Program Board, the Activities Funding Board, the Student Government Association and the Metropolitan Volunteering Board.
The Metropolitan Volunteering Board finds ways to connect UH students to the campus and the local community through volunteer activities.
Frontier Fiesta is a decades-long tradition that features many student talents over multiple days in a festival format.
The Council for Cultural Activities promotes diversity and cultural awareness at UH through events such as the cultural marketplace, Cultural Taste of Houston and Cultural Explosion.
The Activities Funding Board is overseen by SFAC, where they allocate funding to student organizations and events on campus related to their activities.
Homecoming organizes an annual event for alumni and students to celebrate being a part of the University’s community the week of the Homecoming football game.
Student Government Association is comprised of the Senate and the Executive branch along with the Supreme Court. SGA passes legislation and resolutions that impact the campus community.
Affiliated Organizations
SFAC also allocates funds to Affiliated Organizations, which are media groups on campus independently run by students. The three Affiliated Organizations are all divisions under the Center for Student Media.
CSM includes the school newspaper The Cougar, CoogTV and Coog Radio.
Registered Student Organizations
Registered Student Organizations are a bit different from USOs and AOs by not always getting funds directly allocated to them by SFAC. Any three students acting as officers along with a faculty member can register to be an RSO once they form bylaws and complete an application for approval through CSI.
All of these organizations can be found under the Get Involved icon on AccessUH. Once you click the icon, it will take you to the main page where you’ll find the organizations tab.
From there you’ll be able to search for any RSO on campus and can even filter it by organization type. USOs and AOs can also be found under the icon.
Once you find an organization you like, if you click on the name, it will take you to their Get Involved page that has contact information, applications and general information on what their purpose is and what activities they facilitate.
Their page may also include a list of their officers, bylaws and a gallery of events as well as recent news related to their activities and events.
Students will be able to speak to many of these organizations during the Weeks of Welcome, where members will be volunteering and helping freshman navigate the start of their UH journey.