
AI art should be used with caution

A digital image of a woman with a line in the middle showing one glitched side.

Jose Gonzalez-Campelo/The Cougar

By now, many people have started using artificial intelligence art to make their own art, books or even anime-inspired selfies. 

Although it might be simple to use the software, people should be aware of the dangers as AI software gathers a collection of images from the internet that have been used without the consent of their owners. 

To add on, many artists are against the usage of AI art as it only devalues the hard work of artists as it’s most likely their own work being used by the AI art database.

AI art is not really machine-based art. The few databases in which AI art gets generated from is actual work from real artists who more often than not have not consented to their work being used to train artificial intelligence bots. 

Artificial intelligence can be very useful as it can be trained to perform a variety of tasks whether it is to drive a car, categorize data, provide medical attention or in this case, create art. 

However, the issue of artificial intelligence lies in its ethics.

Machines have already taken over other occupations like cashiers with self-checkout stations.  

Companies can choose to scrape artists, graphic designers and other artistically based occupations once they learn how to train artificial intelligence apps.

On an individual scale, people can use AI art to claim that their work was created all on their own which raises the question of ‘stealing’ art. 

With how advanced AI art is becoming, it’s getting harder and harder to differentiate art made by a human and art made by a machine. 

To add on, more sinister concerns include users programming AI art software to produce pornographic material of others and claiming they’re actual photos of that person. 

AI art is free and available to everyone and that is a problem. 

If not everyone is allowed to access or create data that allows you to program self-driving cars or the medical files needed to make diagnoses, the same treatment should be given to AI art. 

It might seem like an exaggeration but with little to no restraints on what people can do with AI art software, it’s safer to put the practice on pause as proper regulations are placed to prevent any negative consequences. 

Artists are already struggling to make ends meet with their art and for a machine to take years of skill and spit out a similar image in seconds is troubling. 

There should be clear cut lines on what a person can use AI art for and they should specify whether the image will be used for monetary gain. 

Transparency is also important as well as a clear distinction if images are being used with permission to create AI art. 

Without structure or rules, AI art might end up doing more harm than good. 

Cindy Rivas Alfaro is a journalism sophomore who can be reached at [email protected]

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