
Letter: College of Education may close HDL

Dear parents, alumni parents and supporters of the Human Development Laboratory School (HDL),

We have reason to believe that the College of Education has appealed to the upper administration of the University to close or significantly alter the staffing and structure of HDL in the near future. While we do not know the extent of the closure (permanent or temporary for reorganization), we are quite concerned that decisions are being made without complete’ information and parental input.’

For more than a month, the Parent Advisory Board Executive Committee has made multiple requests to meet with College of Education dean Robert Wimpelberg, but all of these requests have been rejected. We are left with no choice but to directly appeal to the UH upper administration for assistance.

We have written an open letter that details issues that parents and staff have raised concerning’ College of Education’s’ management’ of the school to UH President Renu Khator and Provost John Antel. Also included is a petition to request that HDL remain open and that the stewardship of the school be transferred to an oversight committee, which would include’ members from outside the College of Education. In addition to signing the petition, we ask for your support in letting Wimpelberg, Antel and Khator know that the University and community want HDL to remain open and regain its previous prestigious status. ‘

An’ electronic version of the open letter and petition is available at’ www.savehdls.org. A’ hard copy of the petition will be posted on the glass doors at HDL (Isabel C. Cameron Building). When signing the petition, please include your relationship to the HDL (e.g., student or alumnus parent, faculty, community supporter, etc.) in the space provided on the Website.

Although this information might not be unexpected, it might be troubling to parents and supporters of HDL. Any person with questions is encouraged to contact a member of the committee listed below. We have only a small window of time to affect change, so we ask that everyone signs the petition by May 12, 2009. Thank you for your efforts to help save HDL.


HDLS Parent Advisory Board Executive Committee

Raul A. Ramos, Ph.D., Chair, 832-628-9868 ([email protected])

Marna W. Marsh, Ph.D., Vice Chair, 832-443-8695 ([email protected])

Carrie’ Dodrill, Ph.D., Secretary, 832-752-7358 ([email protected])

Administration contact information:

Robert Wimpelberg, Dean COE, 713-743-5001, ([email protected])

John Antel, UH Provost, 713-743-9101, ([email protected])

Renu Khator, UH President,’ http://www.uh.edu/about/offices/president/contact

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