Author - Callie Parrish
Fort Hood shooting: stereotypes surrounding mental illness
Mental illness is the first thing that is talked about when a shooting occurs. It’s always in a bad...
Crazy Callie by Callie Parrish
Crazy Callie by Callie Parrish
TierOne: No place like CASA
Tier One: Maybe it’s a floor for sharped dress men
Despite campus tobacco ban, misleading marketing may lead to...
According to the tobacco-free campus policy, “effective June 2013, the University of Houston is...
The stigma of mental illness
In our society, mental illness has been so ill portrayed that it’s difficult to know how it...
Tier One: And just in time for the holidays!
Vegans hungry for more options at UH
In today’s society, more and more people are becoming either vegan or vegetarian. According to...