The FC2 Female Condom is an elusive, semi-complicated device, that when used properly, has only a...
Author - Camila Cossio
Student editors gather for final reading of graduate journal
Members of Houston’s writing community — young adults, UH creative writing students and professors...
Distinguished journal preps undergrads
Tiffany Thor and current members of the University of Houston’s nationally recognized literary...
Experts shed light ‘down there’
In an educational event aimed at bringing awareness to the vulva, that elusive female part of the...
Cougars learn to ward off stalkers
The UH Student Feminist Organization had a UHDPS officer discuss stalking and the personal and...
Series provides ‘poison’ for penners
The back patio of Montrose bar Poison Girl was packed for the “Frebrurarryr” installment of the...
Launch party an antidote to stale readings
There was a light drizzle, surprisingly cold weather, lots of beer and a really obnoxious dog that...
Coogs invited to public reading
Students, professors, hipsters and hipster-haters alike are set to come out and celebrate the...
Publication showcases art and more
The folks at The Aletheia, the most recent addition to the list of UH literary journals, have been...
Poets punctuate world of silent films
A unique and exciting literary event that combined silent film with poetry and prose occupied a...