We’ve all done it. That delicious cheeseburger that only costs a buck at the local fast food joint...
Author - Patrick Levy
Government blurs line of belief
Judeo-Christian values have affected America’s foundation; a large percentage of the American...
Race relations involve every color
As America continues to make progressions in issues of race, certain actions still create...
Sony falls short with system update to PS3
Following Sony’s release of the PlayStation 3 in 2006, the entire gaming scene underwent a massive...
Apple’s creation fails to live up to hype
Consumers lined up this weekend to get their hands on the newest addition to Apple’s family of...
Disagreement should be respectful
In the wake of Congress’ passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, reports of...
Health care bill leads to political breakdown
In the attempt to pass highly controversial legislation to overhaul the nation’s health care...
Tuition increase a necessary evil
Americans across the country are feeling the effects of a troubled economy. Jobs are constantly...
GOP cries foul over Democrats’ tactics
As U.S. Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama continue to review potential options to pass...
Gamers must use discretion
Whether online with millions of other gamers around the globe or at home among family and friends...