Picture a peaceful protest calling for an end to police violence and brutality. Suddenly, a barrage...
Author - Sarah Backer
Thatcher left inspiration, controversy in her wake
She was controversial and ground-breaking. She delivered the free market to England and at the same...
Che: A revolution in pop culture misrepresentation
Next time you see someone sporting a shirt or anything with the visage of Marxist freedom fighter...
Double jeopardy for Knox
No one could foresee that the murder of a London woman in Perugia, Italy in 2007 would garner so...
Paul filibuster more than just droning on
Kentucky Junior Sen. Rand Paul and a group of fellow Republicans held a nearly 13-hour filibuster...
Youth must be a cardinal rule for next pope
When Pope Benedict XVI stepped down Feb. 28 from his post as pontiff of the Catholic Church, it...
When it rains, it pours
Stop me if this happened to you before: while getting ready for class, you see on TV or find online...
No excuses, only solutions
Feb. 7, Ben Carson ruffled feathers by using his post as keynote speaker at the 2013 National...
Putting the Facebook down
Every generation experiences its unique set of problems. In this highly-technological age, we are...
Grading system is a plus
Imagine working hard all semester for that coveted A only to fall short with an 89 and a 3.0 grade...