Getting into college is a big step and a life changing decision for many individuals, but what...
Author - Sarah Elise Shea
‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ is contradictory about...
James Cameron’s “Avatar: The Way of Water” is a gorgeous film but its production and...
Professor scare tactics do more harm than good to students
Scare tactics used by professors make the learning experience harder for students than helping them...
Domestic abuse warning signs are not talked about enough
Some students struggle recognizing domestic abuse in their college relationships, therefore...
Scented candles, diffusers should be allowed in dorms
Scents are a huge part of the human experience and colleges should allow candles in dormitories so...
Libraries should be supported, not coffee shops
Students should support libraries, not coffee shops, as they are a cheaper and reliable alternative...
College students should be encouraged to adopt pets, plants
As many students make the return to school this fall, anticipation will inevitably fester as...
Glorification of vasectomies ignore the true problem regarding...
Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, some vasectomy clinics have reported a spike in procedure...
Period tracking apps should focus on protecting user data
Period tracking apps are losing high volumes of users due to potentially selling their data. With...