The newly-created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finally has a leader, and the nation’s...
Author - Steven Christopher
Congress and the budget blowout
The budget of the federal government has grown exponentially over the past 3 decades to a point...
King’s message to Americans
I am always struck by the absurdity that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is widely considered to be a...
Shrinking the federal government will create more freedom
It has become a recurring theme in Obama’s ongoing re-election campaign that if, heaven...
Progressives fall for siren songs
The great irony surrounding today’s anti-capitalists, evident in many of the Occupy protests, is...
High hopes
In last week’s republican presidential debate that focused exclusively on national security...
Occupy Wall Street movement lacks substance
With news of the “Occupy” movements bubbling up everywhere, from Occupy Wall Street to...
Killing of Al-Awlaki ushers in new era
With the announcement last week that the federal government assassinated suspected al-Qaida member...
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme
With the debate over whether or not Social Security is a Ponzi scheme surfacing in yet another...
Americans with Disabilities Act to blame for fast food lawsuit
A New York man made headlines last week when he filed a lawsuit against White Castle Hamburgers...