I find the actions of the people at the Young Republican’s Posters offensive ("Group ‘remembers’ terrorism," News, Wednesday). True, there were arguments presented. They claim the Young Republicans were too selective, only showing acts perpetrated by Muslims. There was also the claim that it was meant to provoke anger and racism.
My true feelings involve words that cannot be printed in polite journalism, but this will have to do:
How on Earth is putting up a sign that reads "Never forget" offensive?†It is simply a sign showing acts of terrorism that have occurred in the past decade that warns us not to become complacent.†
Would its message have changed if it had included the Oklahoma City bombing? No. However, Timothy McVeigh was a single man – not a member of an active group with a stated goal of destroying America.
Lyndon LaRouche supporters routinely put out material that is several times as offensive and false – not to mention libelous. I cannot, however, recall ever seeing them brought to the front page for it.
What makes this so different? Because of political correctness bringing out offense to a religious group, or simply because the Young Republicans put it up?
I expected better of this paper.
Ben Dickson chemical engineering senior