
UH celebrates Constitution Day

Today marks the 220th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. The 55 delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the final draft in 1787.

The UH divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs have joined over the past week to observe Constitution Day and inform UH students on the importance of the Constitution.

Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs Juanita Jackson was one of the members who helped pass out information on the U.S. Constitution Wednesday at the University Center.

"We have U.S. mini Constitutions, facts and we provide the miniature U.S. flag," Jackson said. "It’s all good info to take, especially if anyone needs it for class."

University studies freshman Omar Quraishi said he found the display useful.

"I am taking history and my professor told the class to look at the Constitution," Quraishi said. "The booklets are very informative."

In addition to the displays at the UC, the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library will have exhibits available for students until Friday.

The exhibits include reproductions of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, letters between George Washington and Charles Pinckney, an author of the Constitution. Copies of the Federalist Papers written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, and a time line showing the events that led up to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution will also be on display.

"It allows people the opportunity to see the Constitution," political science junior Kelly Waterman said. "There are a number of people who are not from America and don’t know what rights they have. This might make them more informed."

Beginning in 2004, Congress required schools and universities receiving federal money to observe Constitution Day.

Law professor Victor B. Flatt recorded lectures that explain how the Constitution works, as well as the rights that are given to U.S. citizens. These lectures will be available to students through the on-campus only channel service.

"A constitution is the framework for setting up a government," Flatt said. "It tells how the government is, and what laws can be passed and how. The federal government therefore, cannot take your land without compensation; it can’t put you in prison for speaking out against the government or practicing a certain religion."

Flatt also said how the Constitution differs from other countries’ constitutions. Flatt’s lectures and other information regarding the Constitution, can be found at

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