
Staff Editorial: Good intentions don’t always result in good means

Some students are praising what Students for Fair Trade did Wednesday when members stormed into a Faculty Senate meeting demanding immediate change.

Alleging that Interim President John Rudley has ignored student concerns, the organization’s spokesman Timothy O’Brien led the way.

"We want the faculty and the University community to take a look at how John Rudley is running this university in a non-democratic manner," he said after Wednesday’s meeting.

As dramatic as this stunt was, some students believe that this is the only way the administrators will listen to the students.

What’s sad about this situation is that no clear solution is visible, but that could be said with any situation. Communication improvements are needed in almost every aspect of the campus, but what should students do for their voices to be heard?

Most of us don’t have the guts to storm into an official meeting. And to be honest, it doesn’t seem to be the most effective way for students to be taken seriously by University administrators, either.

Our campus is already so disconnected as is with it being a commuter school, and this divide between administrators and students only worsens the divide.

Of course, as students we’ll never be completely satisfied, but many aren’t even happy.

Granted, administrators have admitted a communication problem is prevalent, but the solutions are not as tangible as our day-to-day frustration.

If anything, University officials shouldn’t shrug off this protest either, but see it as our state of mind.

If this is the only way we as students feel that we can be heard, what does that say about the system?

Problems with PeopleSoft 8.9 and with financial aid since the beginning of the semester have simply increased annoyance with how our University is set up.

Yes, organizations such as the Student Government Association are available for students to wield some power and have a voice on campus.

But how many people actually are involved or know who the officers are? Not many.

This problem is that which seems to plague our generation the most – apathy. So for those reasons, we applaud Student for Fair Trade for their efforts, but in the end, there must be a better way.

We want to encourage all students to truly get involved with the University, voice their opinions and work with the administration to find a solution that doesn’t include having to bust into a meeting every time.

Don’t we – not only as student but as a University – deserve at least that much interest?

Think about how much you’re investing by going here, and in the end, improvements have to be made. We want the administration to know that, but we also want the students to care enough to want it.

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