Oxford English Dictionary: D
One of the most widely used writing resources has succumbed to the pressures of the Internet Age and the mind-numbing ineptitude of English users.
The Oxford English Dictionary has taken out the hyphens of about 16,000 words, Reuters reported. And lovers of the written word have turned into a horde of cry-babies -†or rather, it’s crybabies, as the new Shorter Oxford English Dictionary has stated.
The reason behind the switch: People aren’t confident in their hyphen-using abilities.
The dictionary dropped hyphens and made them into a single word or split them into two.
While hyphens aren’t the most widely used punctuation mark in the world, it’s still an element of the English language. But perhaps the blame shouldn’t be placed on the inept users, but rather on the dictionary itself. Language is a dynamic force that changes with each age, but the laziness that the Internet, text messaging and such have instilled in some people shouldn’t be the reason for abandoning a staple of basic grammar.
Anti-gay comments by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: F
During a Senate hearing this week, Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reiterated his beliefs that gay sex is immoral and shouldn’t be disregarded in the military.
Well, at least we know that he’s picking his battles wisely.
Pace retires next week and said he wanted to clarify similar statements that he made in the spring.
In March, Pace said, "I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way."
But at a meeting with Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, which was slated to focus on the 2008 war spending request, Pace said, "We should respect those who want to serve the nation but not through the law of the land, condone activity that, in my upbringing, is counter to God’s law."
Being a military man, Pace probably has a history of feeling a little brassy, especially when trying to get his point across. And with his retirement looming nearby, the timing of Pace’s comments prove interesting.
Anti-war protestors heckled the outgoing four-star general by shouting, "Bigot." While everyone is entitled to his or her personal beliefs, the timing of Pace’s comments are inappropriate, if not unnecessary.
The military has more important issues to be concerned with than the morality of gay sex in barracks. Military officials can meet up to discuss the morality of gay sex during peacetime.