The nomination by President George W. Bush of former judge Michael Mukasey to become the next attorney general cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee with a vote of 11-8 on Tuesday after two key Democrats decided to endorse the candidate.
Senators Chuck Schumer from New York and Dianne Feinstein of California endorsed Mukasey’s appointment by voting with all nine Republicans to send his confirmation for a vote in the Senate, where he is expected to easily get the 70 votes needed for confirmation.
What has happened to our country? Have we abandoned our morals and our values so much that we will resort to anything in our crusade called "the war on terror?"
This latest move by our lawmakers amounts to nothing less than taking our Constitution and ripping it to shreds. When interviewed after his nomination by the Judiciary Committee, Mukasey refused to state definitively if waterboarding, an interrogation technique that simulates drowning, was torture. Arlen Spector, R-Pennsylvania, stated that Mulkasey’s response was inadequate and raised serious concerns. If this raised serious concerns, why then has his nomination been sent for a vote in the Senate?
The decision to send his vote to the Senate floor by these two key Democrats was based off the fact that the Justice Department is leaderless, and that Mukasey’s pledge to purge politics from the department and uphold all laws passed by Congress was the best deal that Democrats would get from the Bush administration.
The reasons for Mukasey’s support from Democrats amounts to nothing less than their own self-interests, not the interests of the American people. What happened to America standing up for what is right? We are supposed to be the beacon that shows the world that in war, there are still clear lines between right and wrong. Torture is wrong. Specific practices are outlawed in our country and torture is a war crime as outlined by the Third Geneva Convention. Any attorney general that will not specifically tell the president what is clearly right and wrong should not be allowed to have that post.
Our House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton because of his sexual immorality, but our Senate turns a blind eye when our current President has clearly abused his powers as commander in chief. Torture is torture. The detainees in Guantanamo are still human beings, who, for better or for worse, are deserving of human dignity. If we sink to the same level as our enemies, taking away their dignity and their humanity, what is the use of even continuing the "war on terror?"
If you simulate drowning a person and create enough fear for their personal well-being, they will admit to anything, as numerous intelligence expertshave said.
They will tell you whatever it is you would like to know, all because you have done nothing but appeal to their sense of self-preservation.
We always ask, "Where are the moderate Muslims?" They are there, but we are doing nothing to help them or to gain their favor.
If the U.S. wishes to spread democracy and peace, then engaging in acts of torture will not work. I hope that someday soon our politicians see the folly of their ways and we can truly become the America that our declaration so proudly envisioned.
Clancy, a political science senior, can be reached via [email protected]