The grade point average is a numerical value that represents the grades a person has made in their various classes, but it is not a measure of intelligence. Grades, in general, have many determinants, including one’s intelligence, but that is not their sole basis. For this reason, it is a fallacy to believe that someone with a high grade point average is smart.
These arbitrary numbers prove to an individual that they know or understand something well. I beg to differ. Many students whom I have encountered work diligently and memorize specific processes in order to perform well on coursework while never really comprehending the concepts. Some classes are simply about the amount of time that is devoted or the quantity of work produced.
In the end, subconsciously or otherwise, the student feels accomplished, even proud to boast their GPA even though it is relatively meaningless. On the other hand, upon scoring a B+, this student may become crazed and emotionally unpredictable because of their feelings of inadequacy so closely tied with a numeric score.
A GPA is deceiving because it suggests so many things that it fails to encompass. It does not mean that a person can communicate effectively, work well with others or perform any other specific job-related task. A wise professor once told me that the one thing that scares employers the most is hiring a stupid person. Unfortunately, requiring a minimum GPA does not prevent deficient individuals from infiltrating the workplace, and it often excludes more valuable potential employees who fall short of their dim-witted counterparts in the grade department.
Instead of GPA, success at the University should be measured by a ratio of hours spent on specific tasks and the resulting grade. This system would more accurately reflect a student’s intelligence by revealing the efficiency of their output relative to their respective input. Perhaps if students whose GPA’s do not reflect their mental capacity stop enjoying life and contributing to society in a meaningful way, and start genuinely applying themselves to the tasks at hand, the scales will tip in their favor.
Until then, the top ranks of university classes will be occupied by those who have the time, resources and circumstances that allow them to make good grades. Some individuals have the adeptness to be there, while others are there because of their need to feel special and important.
Frankly, neither importance nor aptitude can be won by some academic game that rewards the high score. Either you are smart or you are not, and that is more substantial than any "A" that you can print on a transcript.
Griffiths, an architecture senior, can be reached via [email protected]