
Staff Editorial: U.S. diversity not represented by two parties

Decisions, decisions. Today is a pertinent day for our presidential candidates. No, not pertinent. It’s super, a super day not just for Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton or John McCain, but for us, too. It’s been 25 years since we referred to the day as "Super Tuesday."

Let’s not think of the choice of linguistics for a second here, and let’s not think about all the complexities that come along with the Electoral College. We should instead question why we are still using a system that fails to accurately represent the "united" America smeared on the campaign slogans of presidential hopefuls.

The colorful list of demographic classifications of the American is extensive, but for the sake of simplicity and generics we are all American. We all have a profound impact on the matters of our country, no matter what color or race. Our diversity is what beautifully demonstrates the true freedom of this country.

If today’s running candidates accurately represent Americans, then there should be more progressive ones on the primary platforms. If today’s running candidates accurately represent Americans, gay or atheist or environmentalist or ultra-conservative candidates should stand beside the "arch-enemies" (see Republican and Democrat) who are always at the forefront.

For now, we need to remember that we do have voice in the government. If we truly want a third party in the race, then we should mobilize and unite to make it happen. The two-party system demonstrates how one class takes over the hegemonic, first with unity and then with a preponderance of money.

The primaries serve to reflect the dominance two parties have taken over American politics, parties that are not one-size-fits-all. Though today’s primaries are a necessary evil in the system we live in, perhaps one day more than two voices will have weight in the presidential election.

Until then, may voters have a happy day and a happy vote, and make your voice heard as much as you can. Texas’ turn comes March 4.

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