
Letter to the Editor: Daily Cougar polls should reflect better word-choice

It seems to me like the writers and editors of The Daily Cougar are becoming especially adept at manipulating the views of the public. The article, "UH students pick Obama, McCain," (Tuesday, News) stated an unscientific poll was conducted "to find out which candidates (students) thought would win the nomination of either party and predict who would become the next president."

As the article continues, it becomes apparent that while the poll was supposed to be a prediction of whom other people will vote for, it is in actuality a poll asking for whom the individual polled would vote.

These two questions, apparently easily confused, are completely different. Although I personally think John McCain and Barrack Obama will face off in November, I would personally vote for Ron Paul.

It is a shame that a newspaper by students is already following the lead of many main media outlets that voice certain opinions instead of reporting all the facts as a subtle way to manipulate the general public opinion.

Kai Wong

Civil engineering senior

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