
Five Minutes: Broken hand rules out surfing for junior

Amanda Wilson: What do you know about Frontier Fiesta?

Alex Nativi, biology junior: Not much.

Wilson: Have you ever attended Frontier Fiesta?

Nativi: No, not too involved.

Wilson: Did you know that Life magazine actually named it, "The Greatest College Show on Earth?" But that was back in 1952.

Nativi: No, I had no idea.

Wilson: I guess it depends on how involved you are on campus. Do you attend athletic events?

Nativi: I do, some football games.

Wilson: What are you doing for spring break?

Nativi: At the moment, nothing.

Wilson: Why are you not doing anything?

Nativi: That’s because I broke my hand.

Wilson: How did that happen?

Nativi: I surf competitively.

Wilson: You surf?

Nativi: Yeah.

Wilson: Oh, cool.

Nativi: During one of the routine practices, some guy got so close and his board came straight at me and I tried to block, it hit me in the hand and broke my pinky.

Wilson: Wow, I’m sorry.

Nativi: Yeah

Wilson: What were your plans for spring break before you broke your hand?

Nativi: To surf.

Wilson: Where do you go surfing?

Nativi: I travel a lot.

Wilson: That’s cool. Where have you been?

Nativi: I’ve been to Brazil, Italy and El Salvador.

Wilson: Where was your favorite place?

Nativi: As far as the beaches and the scenery?

Wilson: Yes.

Nativi: El Salvador.

Wilson: How soon will you be able to compete again?

Nativi: The doctor said in maybe three to four weeks.

Wilson: Three to four weeks?

Nativi: It wasn’t a big fracture.

Wilson: What made you decide to compete?

Nativi: I saw it as a challenge. It’s looked fun so I wanted to see if I could get on that and do better tricks then everybody else.

Wilson: Where do you recommend that students go if they plan to travel?

Nativi: It depends on really what you want to do when you travel. I really love sightseeing.

Wilson: Okay. Sightseeing.

Nativi: I would go to the Grand Canyon.

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