
Five Minutes of Fame: Senior loves animals, happy childrens’ books

Ruth Rodriguez: What are you guys doing on the lawn?

Frances Kim, graphic design senior: I’m just taking a break from being in the studio all day.

Rodriguez: How many hours are you in studio?

Kim: How many hours am I not in studio?

Rodriguez: Do you like animals?

Kim: I love animals.

Rodriguez: Do you have any pets?

Kim: I have two dogs at home. I think if a person owns an animal that means they have a good heart.

Rodriguez: What are the names of your dogs and what kind of dogs are they?

Kim: Porky is a Maltese and Chloe is a Jack Russell.

Rodriguez: Do they get along with each other?

Kim: Yeah. They’re best friends. I would say they’re lovers.

Rodriguez: Wait, they’re lovers or they’re BFF?

Kim: They’re lovers and BFF.

Rodriguez: Do you have a job outside of campus?

Kim: I have an internship.

Rodriguez: Is it design oriented?

Kim: It’s design oriented, 3D modeling.

Rodriguez: Do you ever lose your sense of creativity when working on projects for companies?

Kim: In a sense I do because it doesn’t allow me to be creative the way I want because it’s the company’s idea of what they want to see and not my own, but then at the same time when you’re given that restriction it enables you to become a better designer.

Rodriguez: Is that where the fun comes in for you?

Kim: Working within the restrictions is very fun, because you yourself enjoy it and then the client also enjoys it. It’s gratifying in that sense.

Rodriguez: What do you picture yourself doing later on in life?

Kim: I want to write and illustrate children’s books.

Rodriguez: If you could write a children’s book right now what would it be about?

Kim: I like the direction of "Where the Wild Things Are." That’s what I enjoy, but something a little brighter and happier.

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