Teraisha Warren: What’s your classification and major?
John F. Puckett: I’m a transfer student, and this has been my first semester. I am going to double major in management and marketing. I think I am classified as a junior.
Warren: What made you pick UH?
Puckett: I recently got back from Iraq in December and my wife, twin sons and I moved in with my parents here in Houston so that I could finish my education. Looking at different colleges here in Houston, I found the Bauer (College of Business) and I was blown away with what I read and the different reviews.
Warren: How long were you in Iraq?
Puckett: I was in the country for just about a year – standard deployment. Reservists typically stay in country about nine months.
Warren: OK, so you were in the reserves.
Puckett: I am currently in the National Guard.
Warren: You said you had twin sons, how old are they?
Puckett: 19 months old.
Warren: How is the experience (of) being a father?
Puckett: They were born during my training for Iraq, and I came home and, boom, I’m a father.
Warren: So you just jumped right in.
Puckett: Yep. It is quite an experience.
Warren: So you are going into marketing and management; do you want to start your own business?
Puckett: With the addition of my sons in my life, my goals changed dramatically. I just want to provide a good life for them and do something that I don’t hate. I don’t know what I am going to do with the degrees, but I know with a double major in management and marketing the doors are wide open.
Warren: So how has your semester been so far?
Puckett: Well, I am taking 15 hours.
Warren: Good Lord!
Puckett: And next semester I will have to take 18 and then 15 every semester after that. It has been quite a handful, but looks like I will pull off all A’s.
Warren: Wow!
Puckett: It’s been an excellent experience I have really enjoyed my time here.