
FIVE MINUTES OF FAME: Senior sees future in ESPN

James Rincon: OK Lakita, you are almost a graduate of UH, how have you enjoyed the ride?

Lakita Williams: Overall, it’s been really good. I have a lot of school pride, so I’m always representing my Coogs.

Rincon: Any special way you like to represent your Coogs?

Williams: I think we’re the best in every sport so I’m a big fan wherever I go. I just have a lot of school pride.

Rincon: So you love sports, and you’re a broadcast journalism major – do you want to incorporate you’re love of sports into your career?

Williams: Yeah, I want to work for ESPN as an anchor. There are so few women anchors on ESPN.

Rincon: Did you get to see your Coogs on TV the other night?

Williams: I didn’t because I got off work late, but I saw the score and I was disappointed because I was like – we beat East Carolina, I don’t know how we lose to Marshall!

Rincon: How do you feel about you’re team getting to play on ESPN, though?

Williams: It was ESPN 2, and it was good for UH to have the opportunity to show their talent on TV.

Rincon: So why didn’t they call you to work the game on the sideline?

William: Unfortunately I’m still a student, I had to work. Maybe some day.

Rincon: You certainly have the face for it. Now I have to ask you about the election, because it is the hot topic right now. Have you voted?

Williams: I haven’t yet, but I plan on going tomorrow morning.

Rincon: And do you know who you’re going to vote for?

Williams: Obama, although, I don’t think its good to publicly voice your opinion – I think that if you’ve watched the debates, his overall plan is going to put America in the right direction. Of course, not right off the bat. It takes time. But I like his ideas and his intentions.

Rincon: Are there any particular problems that you see now that the election will help address?

Williams: Actually right now, I’m happy (that) gas prices are down. But as far as issues with the economy, I feel like (Obama) has the right goal in mind.

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