
FIVE MINUTES OF FAME: Senior happy with generation

Ashley Strawmyer: Did you vote Tuesday?

John Phillips: Yes, in West University.

Strawmyer: Did you go early to avoid lines?

Phillips: Not really. I went around 10 a.m.

Strawmyer: Were the lines long?

Phillips: Not that bad. I was in and out in about 40 minutes.

Strawmyer: Were a lot of people there campaigning?

Phillips: Yeah, I think there were more people there telling people how to vote than people there to actually vote.

Strawmyer: I voted early, and Joe Jaworski was talking to people in line. It was neat to shake hands with someone that’s running, but a little intimidating.

Phillips: I didn’t notice anyone that was actually running for an office, just their campaign teams.

Strawmyer: I heard there were a few arrests at some of the polls in other states, because people were getting violent. Did anything like that happen in West U.?

Phillips: Not exactly violent behavior, but this woman in front of me in line was kinda funny. She kept fanning herself and gasping for air a lot. I was getting worried about her so I asked if she was OK. She said, "Honey, I’m fine. I’m just excited for this big day in history."

Strawmyer: Oh yeah, well this is a historic election. How do you feel knowing you are going to see the first African-American president, or the first woman vice-president?

Phillips: I think it’s pretty cool. Our generation is pretty lucky.

Strawmyer: What do you mean?

Phillips: Well, just 20 years ago or even less than that, the possibility of an African-American president or a woman vice-president would have been unheard of. So, I think it’s cool we get to experience history being made.

Strawmyer: Good point. So, who do you think is going to win?

Phillips: I think whoever wins will have a lot of work to do. Americans have heard a lot of promises from both candidates over the past election year, and once the next president is inaugurated, he will have to start acting instead of just promising.

Strawmyer: That’s true. Did you hear that Starbucks and Ben and Jerry’s are giving away free coffee and ice cream if you vote?

Phillips: Really? That’s an incentive for some people. Starbucks is addicting.

Strawmyer: I know. Do you like Starbucks?

Phillips: Yeah, it’s good. I’m not one of those people that drinks it everyday, though.

Strawmyer: Yeah, I’m the same way.

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