
Letter: Students should decide campus dining options

I took the opportunity to peruse the Campus Dining Fair in the Moody Towers (on Feb. 4), where a new $10 million budget plan to renovate the existing RFoC facilities was showcased. It’s a very interesting concept … but how do we afford something like this?

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Carl Carlucci’s stance is to decide if we need it and then figure out payment, but I worry this will be decided in back rooms by administrators without any semblance of true student voice. With a $10 million project on the way, Aramark is going to want a contract extension to ensure they pay off the debt, just as they did with (Chili’s Too). I would very much like to see students help weigh 10 more years of Aramark against a new dining hall.

The University is a top-of-the-line institution, and we deserve the best, but we must ensure that administrators remember that students are the reason they exist.’ Any time an institution sees its constituents less as superiors and more as subordinates, problems are imminent.’

Tara Roach, photography junior

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