
Bauer grad enjoys chilling out

Solange Inzillo: So, what are your plans for spring break?’

James Roman: You know, I still work full time so there’s really no spring break for me. Just from school (laughs).

Inzillo: What do you work as?

Roman: I work for Boeing as an analyst.

Inzillo: Oh, cool. How long have you worked there?’

Roman: About three and a half years. I graduated in the fall of ’04, and I was looking for a job for the next six months, and I landed one with Boeing, so I’ve been there ever since.

Inzillo: What made you come back to school?

Roman: I graduated from Bauer, and it was a great school. I got a lot out of it. So since I did my bachelor’s degree here, I might as well come back here. Also, Boeing will pay for your school outright. It’s not just reimbursement. You just send them the bill, and they pay it right away.

Inzillo: Oh, nice!’

Roman: And the cool thing is they do it for anything you want, like if you want to be a culinary arts major or get your doctorate or M.B.A., whatever you want. So I couldn’t not take advantage of that.’

Inzillo: Are you in any other activities here at UH?’

Roman: I don’t have time. Work keeps me pretty busy. Sometimes I can’t even come to class.

Inzillo: Do you still do anything with your former fraternity?’

Roman: I still keep in contact with a few people, but you know, by the time I get off work, whenever there’s an event going and in the evening and I don’t have school, I’m just like, ‘Ugh, I just want to go home and chill out.’ Plus, I live in the Heights and I work in Clear Lake. ‘

Inzillo: So how do you like the working life compared to full-time college?

Roman: I like the fact that I can go to work in the morning, and I can come home and just completely unwind and not have to worry about anything.’

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