The Bauer College of Business senators in the Student Government Association said they are working together to increase student involvement and improve communication between business students and the SGA.
Senators Stephani Rivera, Luis Rodriguez, Carlos Reyes and Jonathan Vasquez will work side-by-side next year to negotiate the different issues they each have on their agendas.
Reyes, a second-year senator, said student organizations are the biggest resources he has to reach out to students.
‘As a senator it’s easy for me to reach out to a lot of the Bauer students because I just hit organizations, and it spreads like wildfire,’ he said.
Reyes said he’s also creating senator blogs that will make it easier for business students to ask questions of the senators.’
The blogs will serve as an ongoing town hall and will most likely be linked to the Bauer College of Business homepage.
He said he is also working on creating a mentorship program to will help pre-business students tap into the resources and different organizations available to them within the college.’
Rodriguez said his main focus will be to improve costumer service, especially in the food services at the University Center and the UC Satellite.
Rodriguez said he will also work to improve wireless Internet accessibility in M.D. Anderson Memorial Library.
The wireless Internet is not always working properly in the library, Rodriguez said, and that presents a hassle to students.’
He said he wants the University to provide routers and amplifiers that will boost the system.
‘There are limited numbers of computers, so for the school to have people bring their own laptops is cost efficient,’ he said. ‘Because they don’t have to provide more equipment and space.’
Rodriguez will include himself in the SGA’s discussions about the campus-parking problem.’
He said he wants the University to improve its communication to students about the closed lots and its future plans for student parking.
He said he is upset that, because of the closure of some economy lots, students who hold economy-lot parking passes can park in areas normally reserved for students who buy more expensive parking pass. He said this will amplify the campus’ parking problem.
He said the University’s suggestions of green commuting to campus are not feasible because students don’t have time to wait for the Metro and their schedules are usually not flexible enough to carpool.
Rivera said her main focus will be promoting the Bauer College of Business and increasing business students’ participation in campus activities.
‘The way we work (in the Bauer College) is something that can be applied to the whole University,’ she said. ‘Bauer is a gold mine. We have all these smart people working together, and if we can just take the same emphasis that we have at the Bauer College and apply it to the school level, we can get things accomplish.’
She said she wants to use Frontier Fiesta, football games, tailgates and other school events to get the business students ‘out of their bubble’ and be more involved at UH.
Vasquez said he will concentrate on getting senators involved with the UH community and on making himself and the other senators accessible to students.
‘It is important for us as senators that we are involved and give back to the community,’ he said.
Vasquez also said he wants the new SGA senators to create a family bond and be united, and to learn to compromise and work together for the better of the University.
‘We are all Cougars,’ he said. ‘We are all working toward a common goal.’