UH President Renu Khator appointed a new 13-member task force last month after recent crimes on campus.
‘Campus safety must remain a top priority for us because it cuts across every area of student success and national competitiveness,’ Khator said in a press release. ‘I’m confident that this task force will provide useful recommendations that will allow us to make our campus even safer and more secure.’
Security Task Force held its first meeting June 2 to discuss new ways to improve security on campus.
‘How do we change the perception that it isn’t safe to be on campus when, in reality, it really is?’ Malcolm Davis, UH police chief and chair of the task force asked. ‘We’re working on fixing that.’
As part of the additional campus security effort, UH created an additional five unarmed security staff positions that, when filled, would bring the total to 29.
In addition to the unarmed security staff, 45 officers work on UHDPS staff. UH also has close to 500 security cameras and 75 call boxes for individuals to call from various locations.
Student Government Association President Kenneth Fomunung said the issue is top priority for the SGA and students.
‘I want to see UH make an investment in the security of its internal stakeholders (students, faculty and staff),’ Fomunung said. ‘Because in my opinion it is just as important as receiving a top-tier education.’
Campus safety has been an issue with many students this year, after an on-campus homicide occurred in February and several aggravated robberies throughout the spring.
‘I never see campus police patrolling the area,’ advertising senior Andrew Madonio said. ‘(The murder on campus) was shocking, especially, because a student did it.’
The 13′-member panel includes: UH Senior Vice President and Provost John Antel, UH VP for Student Affairs Elwyn Lee, Houston Police Department South Central Patrol Division’s Jay Jones and Fomunung.
Students can log on to http://www.uh.edu/police/dcb.html to find out more about campus safety. The bulletin is updated daily, including incidents from the previous day. Mug shots of suspects who committed a crime are also available on this Website.
Crime statistics are submitted at the end of the year in accordance to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
The Clery Report and the annual security report is available for review at www.uh.edu/police/annualreport.html