
STAFF EDITORIAL: Gun laws could barrel toward Houston, other major cities

The latest battle involving gun rights does not directly involve Houston, but could affect local and state laws throughout the nation.

The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a challenge to Chicago’s handgun ban in early 2010. The Associated Press said Wednesday that many gun control supporters said that the ruling is likely to satisfy gun-rights advocates.

This could create a domino effect where less-restrictive laws that require guns to be registered, limit who can own firearms and how arms can be stored are challenged.

In 2008, the court ruled that a ban on handguns in the District of Columbia, an area that falls under federal status, was a violation of the Second Amendment. This time, the justices will determine if the ruling should also apply to state, county and municipal laws.

Although the fight for gun rights at UH has died down since June, the court’s ruling could revitalize the debate. If restrictions in Chicago are weakened, Texas could follow suit. In turn, people with concealed handgun licenses might be able to tote their firearms around UH.

We would not like to see this occur because of the dangers surrounding a campus with guns. Although this policy could allow students to stop a potential school shooting, it could also result in the death of innocent people.

People with gun licenses have gone through training, but how could the University ensure that only these people would bring guns on campus?’

We can’t afford to place metal detectors in every building. Hiring more police officers, who could invade our privacy while searching for potential violators, would also cost money.

We hope the Supreme Court will make the best ruling for Chicago and the rest of the country. But, if the decision sets precedent for a gun-friendly campus, administrators and students will constantly ponder whether concealed carry license holders are the only ones bringing guns to school.

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