
STAFF EDITORIAL: U.S. president must take firm stance toward Iran

The U.S. government and President Barack Obama are in a tight spot regarding Iran and national security.

Iran’s nuclear intentions have grown increasingly suspicious, as many world leaders believe Tehran wants to cover up the construction of an atomic bomb. Iran claims its work is part of a civilian nuclear energy program, but the U.N. has dealt three sets of penalties to Iranians because their country refuses to stop enriching uranium.’

Uranium enrichment is a key process toward building a bomb, and Iran’s refusal to back down makes it clear that something isn’t quite right. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is trying too hard to make friends with Iran.’

The White House wants to form a positive relationship with Iran, instead of telling the anti-American government to stop its nuclear program or face severe consequences. But reason and peace are ideals Tehran wants no part of, especially when it comes to the U.S. and its allies.

Even French President Nicolas Sarkozy scolded Obama’s weak approach toward a nation that refuses to disarm its nuclear program.

‘President Obama, I support the Americans’ outstretched hand,’ Sarkozy said. ‘But what did the international community gain from these offers of dialogue? Nothing.’

Obama had a chance to take charge when he presided over the U.N. Security Council Sept. 24, but he didn’t. He knew about Iran’s hidden enrichment facility near Qom, and he was in front of a plethora of news cameras and 14 other world leaders.

Our president waited until Sept. 25 – at the G20 summit – to reveal his knowledge of the facility. The world’s biggest security issue should not have been put off for a day, especially considering Obama was the head of the Security Council in September.

When France’s president calls you a wuss, you have problems. War should be the last option, but Obama and the U.S. government need to take swift action to show Iran that it cannot threaten the world’s safety.

Besides, Israel won’t wait forever.

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