Life + Arts

Flashback – 1996: Editorial cartoon starts storm

On Oct. 9, 1996, The Daily Cougar’s Al Greenwood reported that the UH College Republicans had criticized the paper on television for running an editorial cartoon that portrayed the organization in a negative light.

The cartoon, which ran in The Daily Cougar Oct. 7, 1996, depicted two young men wearing cardigan sweaters and ties. One had a wide grin on his face, and the other held up a sign that read, ‘Burn the homeless.’ Part of a swastika was in the background.

Underneath the drawing, cartoonist Brian Minton wrote, ‘Join the College Republicans. Then you won’t have to worry about your future, we’ll do your thinking for you!’

The College Republicans immediately condemned the cartoon, asking The Daily Cougar to apologize to the group and its Jewish members.

‘It’s outrageous to link us to Nazis,’ College Republicans Executive Director David Baker told KTRK Channel 13.’

Baker threatened to take legal action against The Daily Cougar if a letter of apology was not issued.

However, The Daily Cougar Managing Editor Robert Schoenberger said that he had no regrets about running the cartoon.

‘One of the drawbacks to political action is it opens you up to political satire,’ Schoenberger said. ‘Bill Clinton and Bob Dole could tell you (that) right now.’

Schoenberger said the College Republicans refused his offer for them to respond with a guest column or a letter to the editor.

The College Republicans said they planned to complain about the cartoon at the Student Publications Committee meeting later that week. None of its members, however, showed up at the meeting.

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