
GUEST COMMENTARY: Student safety should take priority over parking violations

At around 7 p.m. Nov. 12, a male suspect, possibly a UH student, parked and left his car in a fire zone. When the suspect came back and found his car about to be towed, he tried to stop the towing but he couldn’t. Thus, he got upset and argued with the tow truck driver.

As a result of this altercation, the UH Police Department was called, and a number of officers arrived at the scene in about three minutes.

I was surprised by the quick response of the police. Less than one week earlier, I had called them at 11 p.m. from the middle of the Robertson Stadium parking lot because I was scared and wanted an escort to my car. After 15 minutes of waiting, I realized that it was scarier and probably more dangerous waiting in the middle of the stadium at 11 p.m., so I ran to my car.

By the time the campus police called me back – 30 minutes later – to tell me that they had arrived, I was already on the way to my car.

Although I appreciate the efforts of the campus police, I don’t understand why a towing situation receives priority over a female student waiting alone for a police escort in the middle of a stadium parking lot at night.

Betul Dogan is a construction management technology junior and may be reached at [email protected]

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