Back when Bill Clinton was campaigning for office, he promised to allow all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation, to serve in the military, a departure from the ban that was in place.
Once in office, he was met with a volley of opposition from the left, the right and the general public in overturning the ban. The compromise that occurred between Congress and Clinton came in the form of “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”
The clause says that the military will no longer ask recruits about sexual activity or orientation, or investigate any serviceman or servicewoman’s sexual activity or orientation without evidence. It also says that self-identifying homosexual servicemen and women agree that they will not engage in homosexual sex acts through public statements or open participation in a same-sex marriage.
This act notoriously discriminates against a large portion of individuals who identify as gay or lesbian; it denies those individuals from speaking about their families or loved ones who just happen to be of the same sex. It also begets other forms of bigotry and has led to hate crimes against those military personnel found to be gay.
DADT also costs the government hundreds of millions of dollars just by going through the proceedings of discharging those GIs, not to mention those individuals who refuse to reenlist because of the law as it stands today.
Fast-forward to 2008; President Obama campaigned that he would repeal DADT. Since taking office, he has done nothing about the repeal that would only take an executive order. The issue was again brought to the forefront when he promised that he would work with Congress and the military officials to repeal the law.
It’s time for some of the change we were promised. When it comes to intolerance by the law concerning a personal matter, such change is far overdue.
On the bright side, at least Obama hasn’t been caught sleeping with his secretaries. That, or at least they know how to get a stain out.