Staff Editorial

Day without pay not good enough solution for UH

The one-day furlough recently required of UH as part of the state’s mandatory 5 percent budget cut ordered by Gov. Rick Perry was the first in the University’s history.

Granted, it has come during one of the worst economic times in U.S. history, and yes, it is projected to save $1.03 million for the day it goes into effect, according to the Houston Chronicle, but are furloughs fair and effective?

Taking a day off without pay in some ways assumes that faculty and staff at the University already work more hours than other people. Professors don’t necessarily work 9-to-5 jobs, particularly when it comes to night classes or grading papers.

Universities already have a lower-paid salary system, so not paying workers for one day wouldn’t be as rewarding as it may sound.

The UH system is undergoing hiring freezes and eliminating vacant positions, and layoffs are still only a possibility. There hasn’t been an official date set to implement the furlough, but departments have already been asked to divide employees’ schedules between two dates.

In the Chronicle article, Faculty Senate President Mark Clarke made a valid point when he referred to the furlough as being “the lesser of two evils.”

There’s no argument that furloughs are better than forcefully laying off valuable faculty members. Having long-term and dedicated employees benefits a college or university, because the firing and rehiring of faculty and staff would eliminate unity and pride, which is important to have at an educational institution.

It’s not only difficult on the faculty, but, from a student’s perspective, seeing one of your most influential teachers being let go is just as difficult.

Although furloughs are a better option than layoffs, the University still needs to explore other options to deal with these tough economic times.

[email protected]


  • I agree, the “Day without pay not good enough solution for UH.” Fire 50%, especially those who are not dealing in a classroom on a daily basis.

    It’s ironic, and I cannot help writing this remark with a smile, but the Socialists that demonize Capitalism, i.e. the leftist media, the professors, university staff, janitors, etc, are the ones now feeling the effects of Socialist Democrats and their policies that are specifically designed to kill a Capitalists society, and those people will soon find out that they are just a number like everyone else.
    Someday, somehow, those laid off will realize that America needs “rich people,” who employ people, who buy things, support little soccer teams that keep kids off the street. But Socialist Democrats are against that.

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