
There’s plenty of swearing to do

On June 8, 2010, during an interview with Matt Lauer on Today, President Obama very sternly stated that he had the right mind to kick ass in regards to the culprits of the oil leak.

Through words and facial expressions, Barack Obama can be clearly observed as a very furious, disappointed and disturbed president.

This situation has spiraled out of control and has turned into something that neither the president nor BP has a solution for.

It would be immensely satisfying to see the president issue an ass-kicking to the culprits and contributors of this natural disaster, and judging by his actions so far painful consequences look imminent in their future.

One thing that was soon talked about right after Obama cursed on national television was whether he was acting mad enough. This idea is as ludicrous as ever; Obama is not in the White House to act, he is there to lead our country.

There are many politicians who act as good people, furthering an act of someone who’s trying to be a difference-maker — but not this president. This president is a good person more than he is a difference maker.

Barack Obama differs from many other politicians because he prepares before he speaks and he does his homework. Obama has yet to meet with Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP, because he’s focused on finding solutions to the problem, something BP clearly doesn’t have yet.

Obama displays his difference-making qualities through his tenacity in seeking a solution. President Obama has yet to let up or go easy on BP. The president sent Eric Holder, the Attorney General, former Florida senator Bob Graham and former EPA administrator William Reilly to head the federal investigation of the oil leak.

Thomas Sowell criticizes the Obama administration’s move to send federal investigators to the Gulf of Mexico to investigate and possibly bring charges.

“A lawsuit is not going to stop the oil, and creating a distraction can only make people at BP start directing their attention toward covering themselves, instead of covering the oil well,” Sowell said in an article published on

What a lawsuit actually does is it first off finds out the complete story through investigations, then proceeds to bring justice. The leak has to be fixed before the lawsuit ends; in the meantime the lawsuit will incentivize BP to find solutions as prudently as possible.

The longer the spill continues, the more damaging the fines for BP. Furthermore, the idea that not investigating illegal activity and wrongdoing would allow BP to completely focus on solutions to the leak is ridiculous.

Any company guilty of wrongdoing is going to primarily cover their tracks despite anything else.

The president’s profanity is a product of his frustration, and justice will hopefully become a product of his frustration and hard work.

Andrew Taylor is an economics senior and may be reached at [email protected]

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