
Beck rally is poisonous for America

For anyone who may not watch television, heavily browse Facebook, or have an unhealthy appetite for frenzy, it might come as news to you that Glenn Beck held a rally recently to “Celebrate America’s heroes and heritage” officially known as the Restoring Honor Rally. It took place Aug. 28 at the Lincoln Memorial, the same day and location of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have A Dream” speech. Beck reported this as a coincidence, something many civil rights leaders rightly did not buy.

Celebrating heroes and heritage is great, but after heavy inspection and scrutiny, this seems more like a “get heavily political-religious-extremists riled up about fringe politics” rally. Tea party members were well represented; former Alaska governor and 2008 Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin was present, and Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King Jr.) made an appearance, among others.

No chalk board to draw out contrived “connect the dots” illustrations (Beck‘s preferred style of explanation) is necessary; let’s put two and two together. Beck held a supposedly non-political and non-religious rally (and co-hosted the “Divine Destiny inspirational patriotic meeting” with David Barton at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts the day before) supposedly to honor America’s heritage.

He had Sarah Palin, a possible 2012 Presidential candidate as a guest; for most of the rally the message was, according to Beck, about “Restoring America and its honor,” and, “America today begins to turn back to God.”

Out of the sheer irony of possibly inspiring a conspiracy theory, can’t you see what is going on here? I think we all know whom Beck is going to endorse for presidency in 2012.

It’s not reassuring that he is garnering the support of thousands of voters, some of who may be UH students and can easily point them in any direction he wants. The situation where an obscenely popular person sways the opinions of overeager and frighteningly unquestioning listeners isn’t a situation where you can close your eyes and expect it all to go away on its own.

The problem is, Beck’s also a bit of a fear-mongerer. He excels at stirring up emotions of the extreme variety through paranoid conspiracy theories, occasional audience baiting, and the frequent reference to divine mandates from God.

This is not a positive aspect for someone who has a radio show, a television program, and owns a media company. What is potentially dangerous is that Beck is exaggerating truth in the hopes of gaining support of millions; this is not something that should be left unchecked.

If they were serious about putting aside differences, Republicans and Democrats would have been working together for months — if not years — and partisanship amongst both parties would be the norm.

This obviously is not the case. Since Beck loves to take quotes from founding fathers and remove them from context as much as possible, I’m sure this quote from Benjamin Franklin will be appropriate:

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

David Haydon Is a political science junior and may be reached at [email protected]


  • New Democrat Coalition

    Representative Melissa Bean of Illinois (Dem.) has joined together with a group of pro-business Democrats and they are know as the New Democrat Coalition.

    They will be 'FACT-CHECKING' Glenn Beck and other members of the far right as well as the far left.

    Searching for the truth might just become important again.

    JRCT –

    You said..

    …The majority of the paraders seemed angry, loud and threatening in their chants and signs. It still isn't clear what they are looking for…
    That meets my criteria for a definition of poisonous but of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    Perhaps they should check with the New Democrat Coalition if they are interested in 'Fact Checking' and need help in defining their purpose or mission.

    • GPackwood, I think I wrote it clearly, but I will reiterate so you can read it again.
      I said that AFTER the Beck rally there was a parade, I think it was Al Sharpton organized. It was a parade of a few hundred with signs asking for social justice, democracy, and some who wanted to remember the dream.. This group was not affiliated with the Glenn Beck crowd who was quietly watching this loud group of paraders march by yelling "No Justice, No peace"… I did find that to be threatening slogans and behavior.. and I agree with you that this exhibit of loud taunting is poisonous to America.
      The Glenn Beck gathering will prove to strengthen America, as we all look back to God, our families, and what is righteous together. We ask that you do have the NDC do its fact checking. I believe you will find everything Beck says to be accurate. If it is not, you have every right to present your facts.

    • So you did read my other article about "Politics has been reduced to nothing" yes? I basically defended Perry for crying out loud. Is that something a "leftist nut" would do?

      JRTC :"The Glenn Beck gathering will prove to strengthen America, as we all look back to God, our families, and what is righteous together."

      You know what is wrong with that? Separation of Church and State.

  • Did you watch any of the speeches? Of course not.
    Did you read anything but and DailyKos writing about it? Of course not.

    The Daily Cougar has gone down the drain in recent years. It used to be fairly balanced, but we got a Muslim sharia-loving editor one year, a gung-ho Obama cultist the next, and there hasn't been anything but left-wing nuttery out of them ever since.

    I'm ashamed of my University Paper these days. I've written numerous letters to try to counter these idiots, but good luck getting even one letter printed with the completely biased propaganda-loving hacks that run the paper.

    Remember, these are the sorry sods who even think that Khator getting an 18% raise in the middle of massive budget cuts is a good idea. They have no clue and their heads are stuffed firmly up their posteriors, where the sun don't shine.

    • I wonder how important it is to the Daily Cougar to publish stuff they disagree with that concerns the administration? A school newspaper should not be a press release outlet, it should be something with its own voice, even if it's perpetually cynical.

    • You're right, we lost it ages ago. I blame the pollution and rubbish the AP has spewed and dumped all over this country and the cancer that is PC.

  • "The situation where an obscenely popular person sways the opinions of overeager and frighteningly unquestioning listeners isn’t a situation where you can close your eyes and expect it all to go away on its own."

    For a second there I thought you were talking about the '08 election…. very amusing.

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