UH football fans show their Cougar spirit beyond just tailgating. Many go as far as painting their bodies, dressing in school colors and making poster signs for the game. | Pauline Alderete/The Daily Cougar
Tailgating is an infamous tradition among football fans. The competition may be on the field, but this season, Texas Pete Hot Sauce is adding it to the pregame party, challenging universities across the country to the ‘Ultimate Tailgate Contest’.
The contest invites all universities nationwide to show off their tailgating experiences. Judges are looking for the most convincing photos. All universities may participate and tailgaters must submit their party photos by Nov. 13, via Facebook or mail, for judging in order to qualify for the grand prize.
“We’ve had some pretty good excitement about it,” Director of Public Relations for the Sales Factory Tracy Shilobrit said.
Tailgate parties are an anticipated ritual among fans from all across the country. Texas Pete and the contest organizers said they are looking forward to seeing how college football fans, from the east to west and the north to south, get stirred up for their favorite team.
“Tailgating is one of the most fun things,” junior Taylor Epp said. “You get to hang out with all your friends and have a great time.”
The contest guidelines are flexible. Contestants are judged on anything from school affiliation, food, and decorations. This is a chance for college football fans to put on their game faces and show the judges how fans celebrate game day for their college teams.
“It shows school spirit when everyone shows up early to support their team,” Epp said.
The energy of the fans throughout their school’s game is apparent in the stands, but it all starts behind the scenes long before the game begins.
“(Tailgating) is a good way to connect students, and it’s interesting to see how people across the country celebrate.” Shilobrit said.
The contest runs until midnight on Nov. 13 and fans are allowed to vote Nov. 22 through Dec. 6 before winners are announced. For more information visit www.facebook.com/texaspete.
“We have some pretty decent prizes for the winners as well,” Shilobrit said. “Alumni can participate too, so the (students) have to keep up with the big boys.”
Suggest you not include schools in the contest where tailgating has become an institution itself.
Such as Duke.
Nobody can compete with Duke's multi-day and night tailgate extravaganza that includes a Tent City and coverage from SI.
Might want to stick with Football tailgate parties.
Great Story =)