
Right-wingers skeptical on climate change

Emotional appeals from public figures with little — or in the case of Sharron Angle, no experience — in atmospheric sciences, geography, geology, or any field that might justify her statement, “I don’t, however, buy into the whole … Man-caused global warming, man-caused climate change mantra of the left. I believe that there’s not sound science to back that up.” Angle, the Republican senate candidate from Nevada, essentially lays out the right’s ideology vis-à-vis their undue politicization of an inherently apolitical issue: global warming.

There was a time when Conservatives took the effort to lend credibility to their arguments even if the arguements were wrong and were consciously fabricated. For example, in 2009 Washington Post columnist George Will asserted the validity of a University of Illinois study of ice-shelf levels that concluded that the amount of ice had not decreased therfore global warming was not a threat.

The University of Illinois was overjoyed at this finding, since Will had seemingly done their work for them; they had never conducted such a study, and when they did after his column ran, they found that “global sea ice levels are 1.34 million square kilometers (about 830,000 miles) less in February 2009 than in February 1979.”

And to believe this was only last year. Since then, discourse has devolved to the point where any Republican incumbent who believes tested theories, evidence, and factual information, must either be a democrat or a moderate Republican (who, as the Tea Party has politely informed us, are being purged).

Florida governor Charlie Crist, an independent senate candidate, left the GOP after many aspects of his political career (none of which had to do with small government or social conservatism) were called into question as proof of his growing liberalism; only his belief that godless automobiles do more harm than good.

As Roy Blunt, a Senate candidate from Missouri put it, the right’s opposition to this is rooted in the belief that, “There isn’t any real science to say we are altering the climate path of the Earth.” As opposed to all of the proof to the contrary that the skeptics have?

Enter Climategate, a non-issue that the right uses to propagate the myth that so-called falsified findings were used in a study by liberal climatologists. However, despite the right’s war on science, the actual results feature a conclusion that yields pretty troubling results all on its own, because no scientific malpractice was deemed to have occurred.

A more mainstream approach, though still short of admitting science is not a Communist plot, includes accusing solar wind, sun spots (which never, and could not have, yielded such drastic increase during any global warming or cooling period in geologic history), and even more odd but less outlandish (rest assured, the presentation sure is), microwave ovens. Even such high-profile figures like Jon Stewart (a comedian whose show often confronts more serious issues in interviews) commented on this apparent regression; “(Wisconsin Sen.) Russ Feingold … is losing to a challenger who believes global warming is being caused by microwaves and sun spots,” Stewart said on his Sept. 9 show.

But what all of these competing theories have in common — besides an extreme disparity with reality — is that they’re all coming from people eager to somehow turn scientific rigor into elitism; you know, what they said our President has (the guy who paid off his student loans sometime in his late 40s.) This is an issue that could not, yet wrongly is, lumped in with being a liberal.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to any historian that conservatives are eager to distance themselves from scientific rigor. The Enlightenment in Europe was a movement young America rejected, choosing to embrace the religions they carried from Europe, seeking freedom from persecution; but in recent years, when such scientific advances are impossible to refute, they’re finding a way, persecuting those who choose to accept a heightened understanding of how the world works.

Joseph Marhee is a history junior and may be reached at [email protected].


  • The issue of climate change is more political than scientific. Anthropogenic global warming is an unproven hypothesis, not even a theory. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change is a political body that "examines" climate change, but ONLY climate change supposedly caused by humans. Other aspects of climate change are largely ignored. Dire predictions of future calamity are based on climate model forecasts that are no better than financial futures models and not as good as the models that predict next week's weather, yet we are being asked to mortgage our future on such uncertainties. And before you denounce me as a right-winger, I'm a left of center independent who voted for Obama, Kerry, and Clinton.

    • I know you think you have a handle on this issue but listen to what you are saying. ANY prediction based on financial models are questionable as well. If that's what you believe then we should all join you in the flat earth society and just accept that we should do nothing but worry about our own paltry lives. Great Grandchildren being saddled with debt? Or unable to make a living because undealt with climate change further destroys the economy. It's called "reactionary" not "conservative". Fascism is reactionary.

  • Oh, I forgot one. I voted for Al "Inconvenient Truth" Gore. I used to believe in anthropogenic global warming, but then I took a deep, hard look into the science and the politics. The science doesn't stand up and the politics are scary shaky.

  • Attacking the dignity of highly regarded scientific organizations is considered good politics on the conservative side of the political spectrum in the United States. The Republican Party wants everybody to believe that the most reputable scientists and scientific organizations in the world are all either corrupt or stupid.

    And why, might you ask, are Republicans doing this?

    Because not a single reputable scientist or scientific organization in the world thinks that man-made global warming is a myth, or that global warming and climate change aren’t very serious problems that require immediate attention.

    Find out what one of the most vocal global warming deniers in the United States Congress thinks and why.

    It may surprise you.

    Read: Talent and Taste
    <a linkindex="161" href="; target="_blank"&gt <a href="http://;…” target=”_blank”>;

    • Re: "Because not a single reputable scientist or scientific organization in the world thinks that man-made global warming is a myth, or that global warming and climate change aren’t very serious problems that require immediate attention."

      Actually, one of the world's most eminent physicists, Freeman Dyson, is a climate change skeptic. See here. Several aerospace luminaries, including Burt Rutan and some former NASA astronauts also dispute the global warming hypothesis.

      • Actually, that's not true.

        If you read Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society, Freeman Dyson agrees that anthropogenic global warming exists, and he specifically wrote that,

        "one of the main causes of warming is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from our burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal and natural gas."

        Since, you're obviously impressed with retired NASA astronauts, you should also be impressed with current NASA research and the conclusions of the group as a whole. That includes their huge research program designed specifically to develop a better scientific understanding of the earth and its response to natural and human-induced changes.

        This is what NASA currently has to say on the subject of man's role in global warming:

        In its recently released Fourth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there's a more than 90 percent probability that human activities over the past 250 years have warmed our planet.

        The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The panel also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the observed increase in Earth's temperatures over the past 50 years.

        They said the rate of increase in global warming due to these gases is very likely to be unprecedented within the past 10,000 years or more. The panel's full Summary for Policymakers report is online at:

        &lt;a linkindex="246" href="; target="_blank"&gt; <a linkindex="246" href="http:// ;…%3C/a%3E" target="_blank"> <a href="http://;…” target=”_blank”>;….

  • Mike G – I suggest you and other "skeptics" do a little more critical research and thinking about CC. What is more believable – 1) that 1000's of scientists around the world working in different disciplines in different countries have all colluded in some gigantic scientific conspiracy to perpetuate a hoax to further either their own (bogus?) research or some common "liberal" ideology, or 2) perhaps there is hard evidence and facts to support the theory that CC is real and being caused by humans? Given how much scientists love to criticize and pull apart each others work, I will side with the fact that CC is real.
    What else have you researched and found to be false? Was 911 a gov conspiracy too? What about the moon landings? How about aliens landing in Area 51?

  • 110 tell tale signs that the global warming is a dying hoax

    Global warming hysteria, whose gravy train INGOs and environmental organizations jumped into for the last decade or so, has run its course. Climate alarmism is dying a slow and painful death. Here are some telltale signs that it is in its deathbed, grasping for its last breath:

    1. Re-branding exercises

    We live in this age of advertisement where if something isn't working, the first remedy is often to change the offending name. Repeated attempts to re-brand global warming are one of these. Global warming first metamorphosed as “climate change”. This worked for some years but such was the gross misuse and abuse of the term that the public soon developed allergic to this term too and thus the desperate search for an alternative term in the last few months. Some alternatives recently floated are “climate weirdness” and “climate disruption “, the last coined by President Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren.

    Read more:

  • Illinois is lying. The entire movement is based on a mountain of lies. Every single thing environmentalists say is a 100% naked lie. They have no honor, no shame, and cannot be trusted and should never, ever, be listened to.

  • Global warming deniers never miss a chance to display their ignorance.

    The bottom line is that denying that man made climate change is taking place won't make the problem go away. In all likelihood it will only make it worse, as greenhouse gas concentrations increase even further, locking in additional warming for decades to come.

  • Well. Joseph, do you feel all morally and intellectually superior now? Good. You go right ahead and believe that stupid Republicans are waging a "war on science." All those Republicans that you sneer and spit at are done with any discussion. You don't have to worry about somehow convincing us knuckle-draggers and bible-thumpers. We are too busy preparing to eviscerate the remaining support you have in congress this November. If you couldn't pass any of your misanthropic, eco-fascist fantasies under this regime, you never will.

    Your generation is pathetic, the way you swallow every official line from the government. It used to be "Question Authority!" when I was young. Let me guess. In your previous life you were first in line to pull kulaks from their homes to shoot them for the crime of "hoarding." At Lenin's behest, of course.

    • The article isn't trying to convince anyone of anything, he's just pointing out that no legitimate debate is happening because the opposition isn't receptive to the science, yet presenting no viable alternatives and dismissing all debate; they're waiting to be presented with concrete, irrefutable proof, rather than scientific theorization. These are not the bulk of Republicans (many of whom are great), but the fringe that is the only barrier to the Republicans taking back Congress. This has nothing to do with the government, the entire article was about his is an issue that should remain separate from politics because it will affect the future, in that energy policy is something that rarely gets discussed legitimately.

  • Saying climate change was real and “happening” wasn't a lie, because Climate Change couldn’t have been proven or disproved anyways, short of actually happening. If it really WAS happening at the time, we would have been debating how to deal with the crisis, not watching as it got voted down by voter consensus. So with this “special” science, nobody was at fault in the grand scheme of things of the CO2 mistake. But, Climate Change DID provide a gravy train of money for pandering politicians, PR firms, Main-Scream media, academia and lab coat consultants. And we learned that there are no saints among us. Just as there are alter boy abusing priests in the Catholic Church, so too were the “climate scientists” and “lab coat consultants in Church of Disco Science. I wonder why you remaining doomers don’t see how embarrassing believing in Climate Change is now and wonder why you didn’t see the climate change phenomenon for what it really was, a social and cultural occurrence, not “science“. Pollution was real. We get it. Grow some!

  • The lede paragraph in this column makes no sense. It is too wordy and lacks clear structure. There is no need for a quotation here, either. Where are the copy editors?

  • I used to accept that there was a scientific "consensus" on anthropomorphic climate change.

    Then I noticed that the same reporters and newspapers that have been telling me about the ACC "consensus" for the last ten years, were also claiming that there was/is a "consensus" among economists that the stimulus and bailouts were necessary, good and should be bigger.

    So, now I am not so sure about ACC.

  • clearly this is a news column therefore it does not have to obey the rules of a news story. it's a news story so the writer has the authority on the set up. besides i wouldn't trust the daily cougar editors anyways.

  • Science is not a political game. Climate is neither Conservative Republican nor is it Liberal Democratic. Do people watch FOX news for science? The answer bifurcates into – because FOX provides a squishy non-science alternative to the squishy non-science of the main stream fear media, and, moreover, an idle mind is drawn to the house on fire. Authentic science is too conservative for the media. Al Gore, not FOX News, created the political popular science game.

    Let it be known once and for all that Climategate was evidence of non-science and ‘closed shop’ funding process of the ‘publish or perish’ cohort. The competition for government money by pandering to politically correct themes has outgrown the strongbox of science. The PC cohort is staffed by 100 of scientists erring into politics and politicians erring into science, but this is not the evidence based science that has led humankind out of the caves after the ice melted.

  • Science moves slowly most of the time and leaps ahead with peril. Steven J. Gould used the term punctuated equilibrium to describe animal evolution. Science itself mimics that analogy. Long spans of whirlpools and eddies, fruitless experiments or blind alley dead ends are interrupted by leverage discoveries like pasteurisation or penicillin. Imagine the contrast between big laboratories doing big science of HIV Aids or cancer, and compare that to the tiny space needed to think of the theory of relativity. Big science is very inefficient; yet the world is full of genius. Einstein’s brain was really statistically no bigger than anyone else’s.

    If scientists do not understand that evidence and experiment are required, not computer models, they never should have been awarded their degrees. Real scientists know that the minute you begin to believe your own hypothesis, you are a dead duck as a scientist. Sadly, the number of careful scientists and their graduate students appears to be reaching de minimis in the modern university. Maybe intercollegiate sports are the only authentic path left.

  • I think what we are headed for is a global explosion of salsa music. I don't know what this has to do with global warming. As fore conservatives we all no that there just as stupid as liberals, they just fail to capitalize on everything dumb about the other party.

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