Faculty & Staff

Professor writes book challenging man-made global warming beliefs

A UH professor aims to refute claims that the Earth is in a permanent warming period in his new book.

Larry Bell, an endowed professor of space architecture, said he blames misrepresented statistics and misleading politicians for the widespread belief in global warming in his book, “Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind The Global Warming Hoax.”

“The notion of carbon dioxide being a pollutant is silly because carbon dioxide is what makes plants grow; it’s what whales breathe,” Bell said.

“There’s a lot of shenanigans with words.”

Bell also said that the idea of the earth being in a climate crisis is scientifically inaccurate, and that though we are currently in a warming period, climate change is cyclical, not constant.

“(A) misrepresentation is that global warming is bad; that it’s a crisis. No. There is no scientific evidence that we’re in a crisis,” Bell said. “These warming periods happen with the irregularity of electrocardiogram for lots of reasons.”

He said there is no evidence that humans are the primary cause of global warming.

“Climate models predict if there’s human global warming occurring, satellites will detect warming in the atmosphere,” Bell said.

“What are they detecting? No warming. There’s no human signature of warming caused by carbon dioxide levels.”

He said that the result of the effects humans do have on climate are unknown.

“If you were to ask me or anyone I know if humans have an effect on climate, we’d say yeah, sure,” Bell said. “But no one knows whether those effects are good or bad.”

Bell said that powerful figures, former Vice President Al Gore included, have misled the public on the issue of global warming.

Additionally, Cap and Trade legislation, which would provide economic incentives for companies to reduce their amount of hazardous emissions, is a “total scam.”

Although many politicians, including President Barack Obama, have championed a Cap and Trade proposal, Bell refutes the notion that such initiatives are motivated by environmental concern.

He cites how if such legislation passed, Gore’s own firm, Generation Investment Management, would have “made a killing” financially.

Bell is not alone in his beliefs. The Global Warming Petition Project has been signed by over 31,400 scientists.

The petition was created to refute the claim that most scientists support the idea of man-made global warming.

“People use these terms that are misrepresenting, and intentionally so.

“The statistics themselves come from very, very bad surveys,” Bell said.

Though there is much support behind Bell’s book, there are many groups who oppose it.

“(Bell) raises a barrage of obscure and marginal facts and fabrications that appear at first glance to cast doubt on the entire edifice under attack, but which on closer examination do no such thing,” said RealClimate.org, a website created to raise awareness on global warming.

The organization said that humans cause global warming and that if corrective polices related to global warming aren’t implemented, there will be permanent damage to the biosphere and civilization.

Bell is quick to rebut such assertions.

“Greenland was warmer a thousand years ago. The Roman warm period was warmer than it is today,” Bell said.


  • What else do you remaining faded doomers of climate blame belief do for fun, pull fire alarms, rubber neck car accidents, tattletale on your sister, yell FIRE in the movie theatre, let your sister beat you up and make fun of your manhood? Do you scare kids not “just” at Halloween? Do you enjoy looking your kids in the eyes and telling them the planet is dying and it’s their fault and only they can save it? You sickos fear mongered for 25 years of needless panic like trained seals and condemned billions of children to a CO2 death. _Meanwhile, the UN and the entire SCIENCE world and all of academia had allowed carbon trading to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 25 years of climate control instead of the obviously needed population control. _

  • Climate Change was your Iraq War of climate WMD lies and fear mongering. We condemned billions to a CO2 death knowing full well that the science was an exploited study of effects, not causes, of a crisis that never happened. That was progressive? How is it progressive to hand over the management of the planet's temperature to carbon trading markets run by corporations and politicians?
    I can't look my kids in the eyes anymore and tell them they probably won't have kids themselves if they don't start turning the lights out more often and walking to school more. This was all so sick so count me out. I'm a former believer now and THIS planet lover is happy for the planet in avoiding "catastrophic" climate crisis with droughts and famine and floods and…….
    WE are the new neocons of fear mongering and the new denier is anyone who still thinks voters will vote YES to taxing the air to make the weather colder and lower the seas.

    • Mememine, you threatening prick, I wondered were you wandered off to peddling this odd carefully crafted persona. So now you have kids, huh? I guess your editors told you to pare down the diatribe- well, wondering, Frank Luntz involved in your boiler-room? Or does Exxon have it's own "message crafters?".
      Problem, though, now you are making specific, and very easily refuted statement- crisis that never happened. Happening now, sicko. Look north at the pole, south down at Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, east over in Vermont.
      By the way, you might want to make sure you make your misinformation at least internally coherent- you rant we really need population control and then parody science education by saying children need to be told it's their fault.
      You threatening hysterical little avatar- don't you know that someday our children are going to look into our eyes, and remind us that we were the problem. That you, meme, are the problem.

  • Let's be clear: Prof. Larry Bell is not a scientist. His highest ever earned degree is a Master of Fine Arts, which qualifies him to build castles in the air and fabricate reality. In his imaginary artistic world, whales breathe carbon dioxide, satellites detect no warming, and former vice president Gore lies. In the real world, whales are mammals which breathe oxygen, satellites detect increasing levels of CO2, and Larry Bell is an ignoramus who decided to make money by perpetuating dangerous falsehoods.
    Dan Graur (a real scientist)

  • Larry Bell is thoroughly mistaken. Anthropogenic climate change is very real. IT's true that the climate of the earth has changed many times during the history of the earth. It's also true that any one weather event, such as the current drought, can't be attributed to anthropogenic climate change. But human emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases such as methane are now causing a steady upward trend in average temperatures. It does no good to deny this. It only postpones what is inevitable: dealing with it rather than denying it.

    The oil and gas industry does not want people to know that this is happening, because they are afraid it would cut back on demand and thus on their profits. It's no surprise that Texas is a hot bed of climate change deniers: our oil and gas industry has attempted to silence climate scientists repeatedly, and has apparently succeeded in co-opting other academics such as Larry Bell.

  • Larry Bell, is not a Climate Scientist, and given what I have read, he is not well versed in the arguments that have been thoroughly debunked by the scientific community surrounding actual climate science. He is a book writing denialist, devoid of scientific reasoning capabilities at a base level apparently. He should be ignored, but I think I am going to start turning on real climate scientists to Larry, so they can spank his disinformation back under the rock he crawled out from.

  • actually bell is a genius. what makes a scientist anyway? thats some stupid little college name for people who deal with life through hypothesis and have trouble tying their shoes. man made global warming is obviously made up to further the leftist agenda to turn us all into idiot sheep. real people with any sense at all dont believe that scarrrrrry stuff! its stupid and arrogant. mother earth will chew us up and spit us out and she will be here long after we have gone the way of the dinosaur. dont think we are that powerful. it makes one look stupid. you crazy little s c i e n t i s t s. ha. wierd from, all the little regular people who you scientists think are ignorant.

  • Notice how the attacks here against Larry Bell and skeptic scientists resort to the same old marginalizing tactics we've seen for years: the 'denier' label / saying skeptics are corrupted by fossil fuel industry funding / personal attacks. Commenter "Bob" does at least go one step toward some kind of usable discussion by claiming skeptic arguments are debunked, but can't bother to give us any further information.

    Such tactics are nothing more than a shell game designed to convince the public that no legitimate critics of the IPCC exist. The 'corrupt skeptics' accusation tactic is a favorite of man-caused global warming believers, but it is also the one most likely to send the whole issue faster into an unavoidable collapse when we place it under hard scrutiny. I described that problem in detail here: "The Great Global Warming Ponzi Scheme – how the mainstream media keeps it alive" http://www.redstate.com/russellc/2011/08/17/the-g

  • That was actually a really well written article, probably one of the best I've read in a while.

    While I do believe the concept of global warming has been overblown and was never truly solidified as a fact, the professor comes across as a bit of a….nut, diluting the validity behind his theories.

  • "Larry Bell, an endowed professor of space architecture" missing Mars and Venus and saying yes to corporate Uranus. Is mememine69 from Canada who just got hit with the "hoax" of TS Irene after decades of acid rain and other free US pollutants?

  • "Larry Bell, an endowed professor of space architecture"missing Mars and Venus and saying yes to corporate Uranus.

  • Lets see, Al Gore has a BA in Political Science, so that makes him qualified. Oh thats right, he invented the internet. I keep forgetting.

    I object to the political diatribe concerning global warming because the IPCC earth model conflicts with the second law of thermodynamics. This is what happens when Scientists become politically motivated and allow politicians to control their research. I suppose if I were offered money to prove that CO2 causes global warming, I'd take it. Michael Mann and James Hansen should have focused on science and not politics.

  • Lets see, Al Gore has a BA in Political Science, so that makes him qualified. Oh thats right, he invented the internet. I keep forgetting.

    I object to the political diatribe concerning global warming because the IPCC earth model conflicts with the second law of thermodynamics. This is what happens when Scientists become politically motivated and allow politicians to control their research. I suppose if I were offered money to prove that CO2 causes global warming, I'd take it. Michael Mann and James Hansen should have focused on science and not politics.

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