Columns Opinion

Recession-talk should be limited to those with the real knowledge

All of the important people have been talking about the recession lately. And though it’s important to note, you have to admit it has become a drag; everyone knows it. Recession-talk is a drag on current events, conversation, and life in general. So imagine what that kind of rhetoric does to the economy.

Yet these conversations are taking place everywhere, and with input from everyone – qualified or not. These conversations are happening in boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms as Americans of all demographics begin to understand the humbling realities of a down economy.

Budgets are being cut, people are losing jobs, and students are losing aid and gaining debt – to say America is unconsciously trimming the fat would be an understatement.

At this point, it is understood that America has become chubby and the effects of hauling so much weight around has left us exhausted. It would be smart for us to lose some of the weight.

Everyone wants change. We all want things to get better, but we don’t want to do the work. It is not a class thing or a pride thing. It doesn’t even alter or define our patriotism or commitment to this country. It only means that we don’t like to work. But, then again, there is not a whole lot of work left.

The news media reports volatile and unpredictable markets daily. It seems that we don’t really need anyone to tell us, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

And, if we know this as students, the old suits in New York and Washington also know this. Or, at least they should. But what gets me is that it has become as public as it has. It is really a matter for the backrooms and closed chamber discussions.

The news media and thirsty politicians have become so desperate for exposure that they will talk about anything that satisfies their needs – to gain the exposure they need in order to stay in power. Their time has come, but not before they exorcise old demons and begin cleaning out the closet for the next generation.

One of the many keys to fixing the economy is to contain attacks on it. To do that requires a well-armed PR campaign to promote the many small progresses and innovations that are taking place in this economy. This will inspire others to do the same.

In what has been called “the information age,” it is no secret that there are many benefits to an informed public. However, ignorance is bliss, and all information is not good information.

Recession-talk should be limited to the people with the real knowledge, people who can actually solve the problem. The rest of us should hear the good news of a government working to fix the economy in concert with private business owners, corporate CEOs, and qualified economists who are orchestrated by a president who embraces capitalism and its positive effects on our democracy.

Dull recession-talk must be pushed away by allied business owners backed by a government promoting innovation and progress to motivate the country. This will inspire the rest of us.

However, on a more personal note, we students want to be ensured that we can pursue our goals in education and in our chosen careers without crippling gas prices, excessive tuition, and the accumulation of stifling debt.

The old-suits at the top need to go to the boards and begin work, work that is essentially closed and quiet – work in places where pride and egos cannot be inflamed, and where politicians don’t risk re-election chances.


  • pretty elitist perspective u got here. we have a free press to create a marketplace of ideas. diversity of opinion is a good thing if the voices come together in debate/discourse. the problem is people spout BS and no one calls them on it.
    speaking of talking about things that you know about, why does the opinion section never have anything related to UH? apparently all of these students are experts on everything but the school they are spending years and billions of dollars at.

  • Sorry, but "private business owners, corporate CEOs, and qualified economist" don't have your best interests at heart. That much should be obvious by now.

    • Part 1 – Of course they don’t. But isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? Corporations want to make as much money as possible. To do that, they have to hire labor. The people they are going to hire are in it for themselves and will demand as much money as they can get (aka acting as selfishly as the corporation). So then, the corporation will only hire someone if they can pay the market rate for that position and still make the profits they require. So far, I see no problem. (cont.)

      • Part 2 – Now, many people will argue that selfish corporations often times don’t pay “fair” wages. But employees are free to leave to make more money if they want. So either these employees who choose to stay at a company that pays “unfair” wages have nothing to offer anyone else that is of a value greater than they are currently getting, or they are just being lazy for not changing jobs to get the better pay they are worth. In other words, since people can be presumed to act as selfishly as corporations and get as high a wage as possible, there is no such thing as an “unfair” wage if they chose to accept it. So, while I agree with your point that corporations only have their own interests in mind, I don't see why that's a problem.

        • Did you read the article? It's a problem when people decide to give them a monopoly on the discussion of our economic well-being.

          • I did. And while corporations have their own interests in mind, with respect to the economy, their interests are very closely aligned with the population at large. They want the economy to grow so they can make more money… which requires that they hire more people. I think what the article is trying (poorly) to state is that perception drives reality in economics. If the politicians and talking heads are all yelling Obama/Republicans are destroying the economy, that social security is broke, that the US might default on its debt etc…, then that leads to people having uncertainty about the economy…which leads to households and businesses holding off on major purchases….which leads to economic downturn. I'm not in favor of censorship in any form, but I do believe we would be better off if a lot of the politicians/talking heads would quit talking about matters in which they possess no relevant knowledge.

            • It's true that saying something doesn't necessarily make it true. But I'm sorry to say that this also applies to people representing (misrepresenting?) themselves as arbiters of who has "relevant knowledge" and who does not 🙂

  • Sorry, but "private business owners, corporate CEOs, and qualified economist" don't have your best interests at heart. That much should be obvious by now.

  • Sorry, but "private business owners, corporate CEOs, and qualified economist" don't have your best interests at heart. That much should be obvious by now.

  • Hi
    Its obvious that this author hasn't been overly impacted by the giant top-heavy, servitude-infested pyramid scheme called capitalism. (See the Columbian Freemason pyramid scheme symbol on the back of the USA dollar and see the USA gov located in a district of Columbia). Author, remember childhood playground pyramids? Were you ever a participant in the lower 1/3 of those?

    Pyramids were/are… networky/crony biased/unfair, "get a leg up" rat-racey, seriously oppressive, and the lower half is certainly painful to the point of SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER! When YOU lose your home, healthcare, food, dignity, and backbone… because of the weight of the world's knees in/on your back, you too will start talking. Some of us are QUITE educated in how pyramid scheme "economies" (money, ownership, price tags) operate, and want them abolished immediately, along with all monetary discrimination. Not a single other living creature on the entire planet… uses economies. Why do capitalists?

    Economies are a con/sham. Do a Google IMAGE SEARCH for 'pyramid of capitalist' to see its structure. It was discovered to be a con/sham way back in 1911, and people have been TRYING to have a say about it… ever since, and even well before. Are they being HEARD by talking/screaming, or are they being HERD by shrugging, blowing it off, and leaving it to so-called experts? Once capitalism and economy-using… punches YOU in the head and breaks YOUR back a few thousand times, YOU WILL START TALKING ABOUT IT.

    Larry "Wingnut" Wendlandt
    MaStars – Mothers Against Stuff That Ain't Right
    Anti-capitalism-ists (system fighters, not people fighters)
    Bessemer MI USA

  • Hi
    Its obvious that this author hasn't been overly impacted by the giant top-heavy, servitude-infested pyramid scheme called capitalism. (See the Columbian Freemason pyramid scheme symbol on the back of the USA dollar and see the USA gov located in a district of Columbia). Author, remember childhood playground pyramids? Were you ever a participant in the lower 1/3 of those?

    Pyramids were/are… networky/crony biased/unfair, "get a leg up" rat-racey, seriously oppressive, and the lower half is certainly painful to the point of SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER! When YOU lose your home, healthcare, food, dignity, and backbone… because of the weight of the world's knees in/on your back, you too will start talking. Some of us are QUITE educated in how pyramid scheme "economies" (money, ownership, price tags) operate, and want them abolished immediately, along with all monetary discrimination. Not a single other living creature on the entire planet… uses economies. Why do capitalists?

    Economies are a con/sham. Do a Google IMAGE SEARCH for 'pyramid of capitalist' to see its structure. It was discovered to be a con/sham way back in 1911, and people have been TRYING to have a say about it… ever since, and even well before. Are they being HEARD by talking/screaming, or are they being HERD by shrugging, blowing it off, and leaving it to so-called experts? Once capitalism and economy-using… punches YOU in the head and breaks YOUR back a few thousand times, YOU WILL START TALKING ABOUT IT.

    Larry "Wingnut" Wendlandt
    MaStars – Mothers Against Stuff That Ain't Right
    Anti-capitalism-ists (system fighters, not people fighters)
    Bessemer MI USA

    • right on!

      larry is a weird name for a mother though.

      i just read an article about a 24 year old father who died because he couldn't afford to get his tooth pulled and then couldn't afford antibiotics and pain meds (went with the pains) and so he's dead. this would have taken a dentist and assistant 10 minutes to do. good thing they charge so much money that people die because they can't afford it. the market has spoken and it says to hell with poor people.

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