
Weight loss: then and now

With this article, I conclude the story of my weight loss journey, which began in 2010 at the end of my first year at UH. I must give special thanks to the UH Wellness and Recreation Center, and to 24 Hour Fitness. Weight loss can be a difficult task, but with the right resources and support from loved ones, it can be truly amazing.

While my weight loss came with several advantages to both my physical and emotional health, there is one thing which makes me the happiest — I can finally walk around campus without having aching feet.

Dec. 2010: Weight: 156 pounds Body-Mass Index: 31 (obese range) Pant size: Junior’s 13

Dec. 2010: Weight: 156 pounds Body-Mass Index: 31 (obese range) Pant size: Junior’s 13


Jan. 2012: Weight: 116 pounds Body-Mass Index: 23 (healthy range) Pant size: Junior’s 7

Jan. 2012: Weight: 116 pounds Body-Mass Index: 23 (healthy range) Pant size: Junior’s 7


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