My letter is to inform about the unfairness UH Parking&Transportation services is putting UH employees through. A portion of lot 1E will be shut down while renovations take place in the UC. No certain time when it will be complete but certainly, I think it will be longer than one semester.
Meantime, us that park there are being told by Parking&Transportation Services Director Robert J. Browand that they are going to move some people from that lot. And you know who that will be? The poorest. According to a statement from them, “Once we have a final count of the number of spaces available we will then assign the spaces based on pay grade”.
In other words, if you do not make good money, not only will you be kicked out of that lot, but also sent to another more expensive lot (garage as they suggest), so we are getting the double punishment. Walk further away, pay more when we make less. What kind of system is that? It should be based on the length of time you have been in that lot. The other alternative would be a student or economy lot. You know how that goes each morning trying to get a spot if you are not here at 7:00am. I just think they should reconsider the way decisions are made within parking.
-Mario Galvan
UH staff member
My (day job) office uses a lottery system to assign parking spaces. Even executives are subject to this system. I'm baffled that a government agency doesn't use the same kind of democratized parking. We get it, rich people think they deserve to be treated better than others. Since when was "thinking you deserve to be treated better" a justification for "receiving better treatment?"
As a student im glad to see that the shoe is finally on the other foot. Doesn't feel good does it? Think how the students have felt all these years as you take away parking and up the rate for parking permits. why do the teachers get to park close to the building, it should be open to everyone, including students. im sure if you offered the closest spots on campus at a higher price to everyone students and faculty/staff, people would buy them in a heartbeat. making money for UH and allowing equality to take root.
Whoever wrote this has no clue. As if students EVER find any parking. No, we do not. If you get to UH after 9 am, you gotta be prepared to look for a spot for like at least 30 minutes.
Or people could just bike, take METRO or carpool? Parking shouldn't be treated as some entitlement.