Photo by Lucas Sepulveda
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has done the one thing that has consistently angered the people since the birth of our country; he told them no.
In a slightly random attempt to combat our nation’s obvious obesity problem, Bloomberg has proposed a ban of soft drinks larger than 16 ounces in all New York City restaurants, movie theaters and delis. It’s hardly surprising that a majority — 63 percent, according to one Rasmussen poll — opposes the ban. However, Bloomberg feels strongly enough about his proposal’s effectiveness to go ahead and spark the flame despite the outcry.
Bloomberg deserves applause for his continued concern about our country’s health. The future of our nation’s life expectancy is threatened as the obesity epidemic and Americans continue to grow out of control. Unfortunately, if the mayor expects significant results from his new soda ban, he will likely be disappointed.
Developing a solution to obesity is not easy, and there’s a reason why this problem seems to show no sign of slowing. Banning large, sugary drinks is simply not going to cut it; the proposal’s value is not worth angering the public like it so adequately has.
If anything, the ban serves less as an actual solution to obesity and more of an example to the public and the food industry of a movement toward a healthier policy, an outcome that does have substantial value. Whether this results in a positive or negative outcome is left to be determined. Based on the extreme public disapproval of the proposal, progressive health gains are in no way guaranteed. Bloomberg’s intentions are good, but this ban is just a blind jab at a fast-moving, overpowering health crisis that will be left unfazed.
What plagues the health of Americans the most seems to simply be a lack of knowledge. Many people just don’t appear to know how destructive some of the food their eating actually is — not particularly surprising. For now, the most effective way that government leaders can combat obesity is to insist through policies that citizens are properly educated about nutrition and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Telling Americans what and how much to consume is not going to work; we have to make those decisions ourselves.
There are far too many factors out there that contribute to obesity to single out large soft drinks. While the proposal obviously can’t make things worse for our health, it isn’t going to make things much better. With cheap, fattening meals next to overpriced healthy ones, coupled with the indulgent culture that surrounds us, those who want to eat unhealthy will find ways to eat unhealthy. Banning large soft drinks will not change that.
Lucas Sepulveda is a creative writing senior and may be reached at [email protected]
Very good editorial. Well written and thought out. Good job Lucas.
How misguided you are. Bloomberg should not be give “applause”. He has no right via the constitution to institute a ban first of all, second, it is against the will of his own constituents which is even more wrong. You’re barking up the wrong tree. This editorial should be about politicians overstepping their bounds, not about fat Americans.
Good article. Obesity is a very serious issue in this country, unfortunately most proposed solutions come across as draconian. I think a better idea would be to tax large sodas instead of banning them. At least that way, not only are people de-incentivized to buy them, the government can pull in some needed revenue to use on something useful, like public education. I drink a lot of sodas but it is one of the few products that I would be willing to pay a bit extra for, as long as the money goes to a good cause like fixing up schools or hiring more teachers.
Sodas are designed to put the population on the fast-track to obesity and diabetes. Sugar is a health burden throughout life, attacking the teeth of the young and contributing to all the diseases associated with obesity, many of which can have an early onset. Diabetes is estimated to have cost the American health care system over $132 billion in 2002 alone.
The public do not have the freedom to be informed and be able to discriminate. If you think you are making free choices you have no understanding of modern marketing and advertising. Americans may drink an average of 78 liters of beer per person per year, but they also drink an average of 216 liters of sweet fizzy drinks.