Reactions among UH students are mixed. Some like Levi Meyer, mechanical engineering junior, are worried about the future of the country.
“Four more years of increased spending and the debt’s going to do nothing but increase,” Meyer said. “Our economy is just going down the drain.”
Others such as Jerrad Howard, mechanical engineer graduate, are cautiously optimistic, waiting to see what happens once the election fervor has ended.
“I hope he can do something better than he did in the last four years. Let’s see what happens,” Howard said.
Supporters of the president are obviously pleased by his victory. Matthew Johnson, a music freshman, said he is looking forward to Obama’s continued progress for the major American political issues.
“I feel a lot better than if it had been Romney, because I think (Obama) needs to continue what he’s been doing since he was elected in 2008,” Johnson said.
“I feel that that’s the best way the country can go. We don’t need another leader to counteract the progress (Obama)’s made so far.”
Johnson’s feelings are reflected by those held by Keifer Chase, undeclared freshman.
“I’m excited about it because he has experience. He’s against the anti-gay rights. I also feel like he has a plan for the economy,” Chase said.
While some are apathetic and others satisfied, communications junior Cody Blair is elated about the outcome.
“I had tears of joy,” Blair said. “It would mean that we will continue moving forward equal rights, healthcare reform and an improved economy.”
Cortina said that the president and his party need to accelerate the political process.
“I think Obama and the democrats need to speed up things,” Cortina said. “We cannot waste any more time.”
The public outcry at the slow economic growth should put the fire under Obama and his party, Cortina said.
“The economy is improving a little, but not fast enough for some people. They have to step it up and do whatever needs to be done,” Cortina said. “They need to stop playing politics and do what they need to be doing.”
Elizabeth Simas, assistant professor of political science, assures students that their vote does count regardless of the winner.
“Don’t think (your vote) is wasted. Maybe you’re not going to cast the vote that will decide the election, but you can send signals to parties simply by voting,” Simas said.
Students like Nathan Bridges, industrial engineering senior, seem caustiously optimistic about the election.
“I hope that he seeks the Lord’s guidance, and whatever he does he does the best for the American people,” Bridges said.
Less optimistic is Armando Martinez, industrial engineering senior.
“I hope he creates jobs,” Martinez said.
I am both surprised and amazed at the headline of today’s paper. It does not suggest that you are interested in attracting attention. The bias comes through. Everyone knows “Obama wins his second term”