Student Government

SGA says majority vote passes bills

Student Government Association president Cedric Bandoh called a special senate meeting at 7:30 p.m. yesterday in the Rockwell Pavilion to discuss a possible error from the bylaw reform during the summer.

“There was some confusion on some of the stuff we voted on this past year — did it pass or not — because we are not too sure if two-thirds or majority vote,” Bandoh said.

During the Nov. 28 Senate meeting, SGA voted on the Chick-fil-A resolution, which would remove the fast food restaurant from the New University Center. After several hours of discussion, SGA passed the resolution.

Bandoh said he called a meeting the following day to clear up any confusion regarding the Senate bylaws.

Bandoh said he set up a bylaw reform task force to discuss past issues. Some information in the bylaws may have slipped through the cracks by the task force.

“Sometimes when you clean up things, you make mistakes,” he said.

Bandoh said he wrote the bill to decide how many votes it would take to pass a bill or resolution as a way to make everything clear.

SGA voted and passed the bill determining it would take a simple majority to pass a bill or resolution.

“I wanted to take care of this now, before next semester,” said Bandoh.

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