According to the Pew Research Center, interracial marriages have been on the rise since it became legal in 1967. Interracial dating is important topic that affects UH students, and it and was discussed at Wednesday’s weekly Gender Talk at the Women’s Resource Center.
WRC’s program coordinator Malkia Hutchinson said that people should know the views of interracial dating since UH is culturally diverse.
“There are a lot of issues that can come into play when dating someone outside of your race,” Hutchinson said.
Hutchinson showed a clip from the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” in which the main character invites her fiance to meet her Greek family for the first time. Although the family of the bride was very hostile to her new non-Greek fiance, the family still welcomed him.
WRC Director Beverly McPhail shared her experience on how her parents had issues with her relationship with someone of a different race.
“My parents never said a word about me dating another race, until I went to college, and were outraged when they found out,” McPhail said. “Nothing was ever said, but I guess they felt it was understood.”
Difference in class can play a role when dating people of another race. Money might be an issue since one partner can have a higher income than the other, and the difference in culture might cause issues with family members.
English senior Joy Lester said being a product of an interracial relationship has helped her understand her parents’ culture. Although her grandparents were not okay with the relationship, her parents educated her siblings and her.
“It’s very interesting to see other peoples’ views on the experiences they went through,” Lester said. “Parents should educate their children on the different cultures there are in this country.”
Interracial relationships may have problems with the family or the public eye. Hutchinson said couples should not live in a bubble because it does not lead to a healthy, long-lasting relationship.
“Be with someone that makes you happy, and that person may not be your type,” Hutchinson said. “Get to know the person and who they really are.”