
Slideshow: UH builds a foundation for the future

UH is 499 days from opening its new stadium in August of 2014. The last remnants of John O’ Quinn Field are being dug up in preparation for a raised field. The $105 million project will feature an east-west orientation that will give television viewers a backdrop of the Houston skyline. The future view of the stadium is already apparent. The stadium does not have a corporate sponsor. Naming rights for the project are being discussed.


  • I am looking forward to the new stadium, however I am quite upset with the Athletics Dept for dismissing the Voice of the Cougars Tom Franklin. Why hasn’t the Daily Cougar covered that story? Why in the world would Athletics remove such a popular radio announcer? Why did Athletics remove the Cougar growl on UH first downs? Why is Athletics changing some of the other traditions? What is the thought behind changing the recognizable UH logo to the Red Nitany Lion Logo? The Daily takes on lots of controversial topics so I want to challenge the Daily to take on a few of these Athletic issues.

  • lol, I love that we can raise $100M for the football stadium overnight, but can’t find enough change in our pockets to have classes five days a week. You know, for academics.

    Spend $100M on academics in a two year period and I wonder if the payoff is as good as spending the same amount on a stadium…

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