The following is a partial report of campus crime between Sept. 2 and Sunday. All information is selected from the files of the UH Department of Public Safety. Information or questions regarding the cases below should be directed to UHDPS at (713) 742-3333.
Traffic Offense: A student reported Wednesday that his unattended vehicle was struck and damaged by another vehicle in Lot 8A, and the striking driver failed to leave the information required by law. The incident occurred between 1 and 8:30 p.m. Aug. 28. The case is inactive.
Theft: A student reported Sunday that the door to his secured mailbox at Cullen Oaks Apartments was pried open and several trading cards were stolen. The incident occurred between 1 p.m. Sept. 2 and 1:30 p.m. Sunday. The case is active.
Theft: A student reported the theft of a large Greek letter at Bayou Oaks Grounds. The incident occurred between 1:36 and 9:45 a.m. Sept. 3. The case is inactive.
Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle: A staff member reported a parked, unattended and unsecured UH golf cart stolen near Oberholtzer Residence Hall. The cart was found undamaged and in good condition. The incident occurred between 4:15 and 4:50 p.m. Sept. 3. The case is inactive.
Driving while intoxicated: An individual not affiliated with UH was arrested for driving while intoxicated at 4100 Elgin and was transported to Harris County Jail. The incident occurred at 1:35 a.m. Sept. 3. The case is cleared by arrest.
Criminal Mischief: A staff member’s parked vehicle was damaged at 3100 Milby. The incident occurred between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday. The case is inactive.
Theft: A student reported the theft of his unattended and unsecured backpack in the Fresh Food Company dining hall at Moody Towers. The incident occurred between noon and 1 p.m. Wednesday. The case is inactive.
Assault: Following an altercation at 11:48 a.m. Thursday at the Law Center, a UH employee verbally threatened another employee, who declined to pursue charges. The case is active.
Consumption of alcohol by minor/public intoxication: A student was intoxicated at Cougar Village and found to be under the legal drinking age. The student was issued a Harris County citation and a student life referral and was released to a parent. The incident occurred at 1:25 a.m. Friday. The case is cleared by citation.
Credit or debit card abuse: A student reported that someone hacked into his email account, obtained his credit card numbers and purchased six laptop computers. The incident occurred between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Friday. The case is active.
Theft: A student reported his secured and unattended backpack, laptop computer and other items were stolen from the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center. The incident occurred between 3:10 and 4:25 p.m. Friday. The case is inactive.
Assault: A student reported Saturday that he was assaulted during a basketball game. The incident occurred between 1 and 1:50 p.m. Friday. The case is active.
Theft: A student reported his unattended and secured bicycle was stolen from Cougar Village II. The incident occurred between 4:50 and 5:10 p.m. Saturday. The case is active.
Consumption of alcohol by a minor/minor in possession of alcohol: An individual not affiliated with UH was issued a Harris County citation for the possession and consumption of alcohol by a minor at 1:48 a.m. Sunday at 3700 Cleburne St. The case is cleared by arrest.