Actress Scarlett Johansson has recently found herself in a major conflict of interest. She filmed Super Bowl advertisements for SodaStream, a company that manufactures home carbonation machines. At the time of filming, she was also an Oxfam global ambassador.
SodaStream is an Israeli company with a major factory situated in the disputed Palestinian West Bank region.
Oxfam International is a nonprofit organization that vociferously opposes Israeli settlement in the West Bank on the grounds that such settlements are illegal and violate Palestinian rights. The group endorses the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, which calls for other countries to put economic pressure on Israel by pulling corporate investment and avoiding ventures that profit from the violation of Palestinian rights.
Johansson came under fire when she resigned her position as Oxfam global ambassador and stayed on with SodaStream.
Corporate endorsements are a major part of the celebrity game. When stars get so famous that their faces are more valuable than their acting talent, promotions and advertisements become a major source of income. It’s not difficult to figure out why commercial work is an attractive option to movie stars.
For Johansson, a role in a blockbuster film still requires several months of commitment, and a large chunk of her paycheck goes to managers and agents.
A commercial or photo shoot might only require a couple days of work. However, that two or three days’ worth of posing and smiling for a company like SodaStream pays off a couple million bucks, without any talent or management cuts.
Johansson is far from the first actress to find herself in a conflict of interest between corporate and philanthropic engagement. In 2009, Oxfam International severed ties with Sex and the City’s Kristin Davis after her promotional work with Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories. Oxfam International opposed Ahava’s sourcing of materials and labor from the disputed West Bank. Unlike Johansson, Davis was also booted from Ahava promotions.
Dropping the charity and staying on with the corporation was a sketchy-looking move to many observers. Johansson subsequently released a statement claiming a “fundamental difference of opinion” with Oxfam International on the boycott, divestment and sanctions policy. She went on to argue that SodaStream promotes economic cooperation between Israel and Palestine, pointing to the fact that the Ma’aleh Adumim factory hires many Palestinian workers at double to triple the pay of most work opportunities in the area and offers equal pay and benefits.
Josh Mitnick, a freelance correspondent for the New York Times, published a piece about the Ma’aleh Adumim factory on Gawker. He conducted interviews with several Palestinian SodaStream employees. Mitnick concluded that most employees were only vaguely familiar with Johansson and did not care much about her promotions either way. The quoted employees were unanimously supportive of SodaStream’s endeavors in the West Bank.
Mitnick’s piece should be taken with a grain of salt. A worker feeling oppressed by SodaStream’s West Bank policies would hardly be motivated to air their grievances with a major international publication and risk losing valuable work. Mitnick’s evidence was largely anecdotal. However, it would be equally unwise to disregard SodaStream’s generous salary and benefits for Palestinian workers.
Johansson was in an untenable position. She may very well have been bound by contract with SodaStream. She might also genuinely believe in SodaStream’s mission statement concerning economic cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis. Either way, she could not have remained committed to both engagements.
2014 is shaping up to be a banner year for Johansson. She plays a major role in the Oscar-nominated film “Her” and stars in the upcoming “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” It remains to be seen what the press will make of her in the long run, but the current controversy should send a valuable message to any celebrity looking to balance corporate engagement and charity work.
Opinion columnist Megan Kallus is a pre-business freshman and may be reached at [email protected]
Johansson is a worthless siksha . The goyim have no business telling us what we can and cannot do. AIPAC is fighting the good fight and getting the money needed for Israel to succeed. I hope that Hollywood which is run by Jews(yes, you jealous goyim) will keep her in roles where she can only show her body. Oxfam should shut up. We have every right given to us by the Talmud to control “Palestinians” or any other goyim. Goyim were created to work for us. Shame on you anti-semites!
I agree with you, but there is no need to make fun of shiksas. They are very useful. I would never marry one though. Shiksas are for fun. Jewish girls are for marriages and a real Jewish family
If only Jews treated women like Muslims do.
You know…stoning women to death, familial honor killings, forced rape with no repercussions due to Sharia’s law mistreatment of women, and widespread female genital mutilation.
male genital mutilation is ok with you?
Male genital mutilation does nothing to impede a man’s enjoyment of sex. Islamic female genital mutilation means cutting off the female’s clitoris.
I know you’re dense but I’m hoping even you can appreciate this difference.
It impedes enjoyment if they remove most of the nerves responsible for pleasure, which happen to be located in the prepuce. Genital mutilation is wrong whether it is committed against a boy or a girl. Its a barbaric practice that should have been banned centuries ago.
Last I had heard Jewish men enjoy sex.
They don’t walk around with a dour look on their face like most women who have had their clitoris chopped out.
Putting very low octane gasoline may still keep a car running but it reduces performance. Removing the majority of the nerves responsible for pleasure and sensation through genital mutilation, the orgasm will never be equivalent to a correct and healthy penis with a prepuce.
According to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, sexual sensation in circumcised and uncircumcised men may not be so different after all. The research, performed in the Department of Psychology of
McGill University in Montreal, consisted of genital sensory testing conducted on circumcised and uncircumcised men during states of sexual arousal and non-arousal. Results showed that no difference between the two groups was found in sensitivity to touch or pain.
“This study suggests that preconceptions of penile sensory differences between circumcised and uncircumcised men may be unfounded,” says
Kimberley Payne, Ph.D, principal author of the study.
Impossible. Nerves have a function. Removing the majority of the nerves responsible for pleasure has a big consequence.
You remind me of the people who continued to insist the world was flat three years after it had proven to be round.
If you want to believe circumcision is like female genital mutilation than that is your right. You can also believe in the tooth fairy while you’re at it.
Circumcision of males is commonly carried out worldwide for reasons of health, medical need, esthetics, tradition, or religion. Whether circumcision impairs or improves male sexual function or pleasure is controversial.
The study aims to conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature.
A systematic review of published articles retrieved using keyword searches of the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases was performed.
The main outcome measure is the assessment of findings in publications reporting original data relevant to the search terms and rating of quality of each study based on established criteria.
Searches identified 2,675 publications describing the effects of male circumcision on aspects of male sexual function, sensitivity, sensation, or satisfaction. Of these, 36 met our inclusion criteria of containing original data. Those studies reported a total of 40,473 men, including
19,542 uncircumcised and 20,931 circumcised. Rated by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network grading system, 2 were 1++ (high quality randomized controlled trials) and 34 were case-control or cohort studies (11 high quality: 2++; 10 well-conducted: 2+; 13 low quality:
2-). The 1++, 2++, and 2+ studies uniformly found that circumcision had no overall adverse effect on penile sensitivity, sexual arousal, sexual sensation, erectile function, premature ejaculation, ejaculatory latency, orgasm difficulties, sexual satisfaction, pleasure, or pain
during penetration. Support for these conclusions was provided by a meta-analysis. Impairment in one or more parameters was reported in 10 of the 13 studies rated as 2-. These lower-quality studies contained flaws in study design (11), selection of cases and/or controls (5),
statistical analysis (4), and/or data interpretation (6); five had multiple problems.
The highest-quality studies suggest that medical male circumcision has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual sensation, or satisfaction. Morris
BJ and Krieger JN. Does male circumcision affect sexual function, sensitivity, or satisfaction?-A systematic review. J Sex Med
Your studies are false. Its sad that your promote genital mutilation. There is a huge industry that profits off of male genital mutilation in America.
Jason, Jason, Jason….
These are not my studies they are the studies of, “Searches identified 2,675 publications describing the effects of male circumcision on aspects of male sexual function, sensitivity, sensation, or satisfaction.”
Can you even read, Jason?
Those studies are false. A study is not automatically true because it is published. You obviously do not understand how easy it is to perform a study and publish the “results” in a major journal. There are countless of studies on numerous topics that have differing “results” and “findings”. You just cherry pick those that agree with your false notion that removing the prepuce which is responsible for the majority of the nerve endings that affect male orgasm and sensation has no big impact on the quality of the male orgasm and sensation. Of course it has a major impact!
OK Jason, if you say so then it must be true.
Yes, because unlike you, I understand what I’m talking about. Since you like studies so much, here is one supporting the truth:
Male circumcision decreases penile sensitivity as measured in a large cohort.
RESULTS: The analysis sample consisted of 1059 uncircumcised
and 310 circumcised men. For the glans penis, circumcised men reported
decreased sexual pleasure and lower orgasm intensity. They also stated
more effort was required to achieve orgasm, and a higher percentage of
them experienced unusual sensations (burning, prickling, itching, or
tingling and numbness of the glans penis).
This study confirms the importance of the
foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile
functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of
circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as
compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without
medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of
their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male
Forced Sterilization of Black Ethiopians by Israeli government.
Why is it ok in Israel for Blacks to be forcibly sterilized but not Jews in Christian countries?
Why do the Jews in the US promote an anti-white agenda but try to protect their own racial identity?
Good God!
Hitler’s propaganda minister (Joseph Goebbels) was right.
Idiots will believe anything you tell them. Idiots need to hate so as to not to feel like they are what they really are: The bottom rung of the ladder.
Kevlar – you will believe anything and you are the bottom rung.
Black Ethiopians are having babies every day in Israel. They are reasonably well integrated into Israeli society, possibly as well as blacks are integrated into American society.
It is not like Islam where Arab-looking Muslims make sport of killing too black looking Muslims. (Think of the hundreds-of-thousands of too black-looking Muslims killed by the Arab Islamists in Sudan.)
Keep denying Israeli atrocities Jewboy
From Forbes:
Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control
Don’t worry about him. Its good we are are sterilizing those schwartzes which are breeding out of control
You want apartheid? Try this.
The top ten countries for persecuting Christians over the last year were ranked: North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi
Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen, according to Open Doors USA, an organization that monitors and exposes Christian persecution around the globe. Particularly, the “2014 World Watch List”, a rather nuanced report, has highlighted these nations based on deep structures of persecution.
Take note that nine out of ten of these countries are Islamic.
Looks like Islam is on par with North Korea.
Israeli Jews want Israel to remain a Jewish state with a Jewish identity. They deport Blacks because they don’t want “Diversity”.
Yet Jews want traditionally White countries to embrace multiculturalism and destroy White countries. Its racist to oppose non-white immigration into White countries.
Israel said planning to deport African migrants to Uganda
The reason these “blacks” illegally entered Israel was to flee Muslims killing them.
Like any country Israel has the right to determine their own immigration laws. Unlike most Islamic countries where non-Muslims have no rights (and in countries like Saudi Arabia non-Muslims cannot even be citizens) Israel allows citizenship to all including to Palestinians who openly hate Israel.
In Muslim countries if a citizen speaks out against its countries leaders they are typically killed, tortured and/or thrown in jail.
Israel is enlightened compared to every Muslim country around it.
Israel should take all the Muslims that want to immigrate there.Their Jewish agents in Europe are pushing for Europe to lose its White identity via multiculturalism. Yet Israel wants to stay a “Jewish Nation” with a “Jewish Identity”. Hypocrites. White countries should promote the self preservation that the Jews enjoy in Israel. White countries should deport the Jews and other non-whites to preserve their “White Identity”.
Israeli has anti-miscegenation laws while Jews in the Western media promote race-mixing of white females with non-whites
Unlimited Black African immigration into Israel NOW!
Last I’d heard every country has the right to determine their own immigration laws as they see fit.
If countries like Saudi Arabia decide there will not be one single non-Muslim citizen (which is what S.A. decided) then that is their legal right.
If all the Muslim countries in the world decide that not one single Palestinian will be allowed citizenship then that is their legal right (and it is what 99% of Muslim countries have done to their Palestinian brothers {sic}).
So, if Israel decides that it is the Jewish homeland – in keeping with what Jews have been saying for 3,000 years – then that is their legal right.
This does not mean that Israel does not honor indigenous Palestinian Muslims all the same rights offered to Jewish civilians – which is what is done.
“Last I’d heard every country has the right to determine their own immigration laws as they see fit.”
Tell that to the Jewish agents destroying the White Identity of White countries. Jews promote massive non-white immigration into White countries. They say its racist to oppose massive non-white immigration into White countries. They do not want that for Israel.
Germany did the wrong thing(according to Jews) by having anti-miscengenation laws barring relationships between Jews and Germans. Yet its ok for Israel to have laws barring Jewish Ashkenazi women having sexual relationships with Muslim men. You
Jews need to be exposed for their evil agenda. All one has to do is see
if they would promote the same thing for THEIR true country(ISRAEL)
Very good video showing Jewish hypocrisy on Diversity
They even use Barbara Spectre’s speech
You know if this wasn’t real it would almost be funny but, instead, Orwell is rolling in his grave.
Muslims have and continue to ethnically cleanse Africa and Asia of non-Muslims killing thousands of people annually in their goal of ridding the world of infidels.
Meanwhile, in Israel, the Palestinians are the fastest growing demographic group and many of them are very successful as well as being free to vote, speak freely, etc….
But none of this matters to Jew haters. They must feel so inadequate compared to Jews that their knee-jerk reaction is to hate those who are so much smarter and successful than they.
How else does one explain their irrational Jew hatred?
It must feel pretty badly to be as pathetic as your Mauser, but irrational hatred won’t make you feel better. It will simply make you a neo-Nazi.
Only the naive would believe your propaganda that the Palestinians have it so great in Gaza. The corrupt Jewish mainstream media is losing viewers. The alternative media is doing a great job informing the public on Israeli and Jewish actions. There is a growing trend of people getting tired of it. That’s why the Israeli government pays Israeli students to write pro-Zionist comments on the internet.
monster writes, “Tell that to the Jewish agents destroying the White Identity of White
countries. Jews promote massive non-white immigration into White
countries. They say its racist to oppose massive non-white immigration
into White countries. They do not want that for Israel”
You’re a sad, pathetic person…a monster.
Yours is a world of evil Jews (an entirely different species) and the rest of us – victims of this evil species.
You would have obviously been a natural ally to Hitler which, I imagine, you take as a compliment.
You are, in short, a monster like Hitler.
Says the guy demonizing Muslims. You have been exposed as a hypocrite.There were many Jews working for Hitler. You would have made an excellent kapo
Hey, let me be clear. I have no beef with Muslims. They’re the first victims of a religion that stifles not only infidels but also its adherents as well.
It’s not as if many Muslims enjoy the fruits of their enlightened religion. Sarc/off.
You enjoy when the Jews kill them so they can build settlements on land that they had previously. Don’t lie
Those Palestinians should be happy to work for an Israeli company since their land was confiscated and their farms destroyed. Wolf Blizter(AIPAC spokesman) would be proud.
Jewish Israelis treating Palestinians according to the Talmud
They put the Palestinians in ghettos and complain how they were treated in Europe. Hypocrites
This would never be shown on American TV. CNN’s Wolf Blizter used to work for AIPAC as a spokesman. How can he be unbiased in his reporting?
According to Egyptian journalist Ashraf Abu Al-Houl writing in Al-Ahram, Al-Bustan is one of a rapidly growing group of Gaza pleasure parks, including Zahrat Al-Madain and the Crazy Water Park,
so many of which were completed between his visit to Gaza in February
and his return in July 2010 as to make Gaza “almost unrecognizable.”[3]
He continues, “A sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested
by the grand resorts along and near Gaza’s coast. Further, the sight of
the merchandise and luxuries filling the Gaza shops amazed me.
Merchandise is sold more cheaply than in Egypt…
Come on. You wouldn’t want to live as a typical Palestinian in Gaza. You know it is hypocritical for Israelis to complain about anti-semitism(including being put in European ghettos) when they engage in their own racial oppression of others.
The Palestinians are more successful in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East.
In Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and elsewhere the Palestinians are not allowed to own land, become citizens, vote or become professionals.
Only in Israel are they afforded all these freedoms. And there are countless Palestinian doctors, professors, lawyers, businessmen in Israel. Palestinians serve in Israel’s parliament and one serves currently on Israel’s supreme court.
No where else in the Middle East do they have these same rights. Only Muslims treat Palestinians like sh*t.
Israel doesn’t treat Palestinians like sh*t? Man you are deranged. Its funny that Israel tries to deceive the Western public by painting themselves as a modern Western country while simultaneously the Zionists constantly compare themselves to backward Muslims in order to justify their savagery. Israel is a backwards and savage country compared to Canada or any civilized Western Country. Zionists do not want to compare themselves to the US, Canada, or Europe. They need to compare themselves to their Muslim cousins in the Middle East. The Talmud and Koran are very similar. Also the Jews allied with the Muslims against the Christian crusaders. Why? Because both the Jews and Muslims are savages that enjoy genital mutilation, cruel ritual slaughter of animals, and being parasites on the civilized Christian world.
Your command of the facts is pathetic. Here is a little history for you…
Within 300 years of Mohammed’s birth Muslim Jihadists (think Sudan) had violently conquered the entire Middle East, all of North Africa (kiss the Berbers good-bye), huge sections of Asia, Spain, Sicily and had their sites on Rome.
It will never be known how many tens of millions were tortured, pillaged, raped and killed during these three centuries of Islamic plunder, and it’s worth mentioning the Muslim Jihadist marauders even attacked the gates of Vienna twice. That is how far north they got.
But I digress…
The Muslim hordes had done untold devastation to Christendom and had even conquered Christendom’s second most important seat – that of Constantinople with no organized counter attacks from the Church.
But once the Islamists started marching on Rome, and only then, did the Pope declare the First Crusade.
In other words it took three centuries of Islamist hell (think Sudan) before the First Crusade was declared. It was do-or-die time for Christianity and the Pope decided it was do time.
Glad he did because there is not one single Muslim city or village where I would want to live given how backwards, repressive and cruel Islam is on all their people.
Islam is disgusting. My ancestors were proud Crusaders. However the Jews allied with their Muslim cousins. Do not deny it. Also by trying to make Jews look better by comparing them to Muslims or Mongols does not achieve anything. They both are still savages.
So Jews are savages like Muslims is that what you are saying?
Savages that have won Nobel Prizes for huge advances in medicine saving millions from suffering.
Savages that have advanced chemistry, physics, medicine and the arts unlike any culture you could name.
You are the savage and like all savages everywhere you look you project your own madness upon others. You see a Jew and what you really see is yourself.
It is called projection – a psychological term coined by the Jew Sigmund Freud.
Jews steal ideas from others and take credit for them as their own, just like that phony Einstein stole the ideas from his gentile wife. Please don’t mention that degenerate Freud. Real geniuses are men like Nikola Tesla and Wernher von Braun. You are a zionist savage and parasite that leaches off others. When the public learns about how you manipulate the media with your zionist lies, we can get rid of the pernicious strangle Israel has over America.
So Einstein did not discover the Theory of Relativity his wife did.
Thanks for clarifying that for histories sake.
It’s time to play pin the tail on the neo-Nazi.
You’re pinned IsraelisaParasite. You’re officially a neo-Nazi!
Einstein was a fraud. You can call me a neo-Nazi, I don’t care. That old tactic of calling people anti-semites will not scare them from telling the truth. Israel is a parasite and America is becoming more aware of Jewish propaganda in Hollywood and the Media. Its not going to work anymore.
“Einstein was a fraud.”
And you’re a mental midget.
Einstein was a fraud you zionist rat. Every intelligent person in the scientific community knows this. Your stupidity has been shown on this forum for everyone to see.
You are a fraud you neo-Nazi rat. Every intelligent person in the world knows this. Your stupidity has been shown on this forum for everyone to see.
Lol. Arafat the judenrat cannot come with an a good comeback by himself. You are showing how stupid Jews really are!
Why can’t Israelis treat Palestinians like the Kuwaitis?
The Palestinian expulsion from Kuwait or 1991 Palestinian
exodus from Kuwait took place at the end of the Gulf War, when Kuwait expelled almost 450,000 Palestinians.[1] The policy which led to this exodus was a response to the alignment of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and the PLO with Saddam Hussein, who had earlier invaded Kuwait. The exodus took place during one week in March 1991, following Kuwait’s liberation from Iraqi occupation. The story received little media attention in the aftermath of the liberation of Kuwait.
The policy which led to this expulsion was a response to the
alignment of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and the PLO with Saddam Hussein, who had earlier invaded Kuwait. The expulsion took place during one week in March 1991, following Kuwait’s liberation from Iraqi occupation. On March 14, only 150,000 Palestinians were still residing in Kuwait, out of initial 450,000 – many of them fearful for their fate.[4]
In total, Kuwait expelled 443,000 Palestinians.[1] Several Palestinians were killed by vigilante groups including some with links to the royal family.[5] With the completion of the exodus only 7,000 Palestinians
Kuwaitis said that Palestinians leaving the country could move to Jordan, and that most Palestinians held Jordanian passports.[4] No reports of where the Palestinans actually went to after the expulsion have
The Kuwatis didn’t steal the land and farms of Palestinians. You forget that the Israelis started terrorism. Do you know about the Stern gang/Irgun?
So Israel started terrorism. That’s rich! A 65 year old country started terrorism.
You’re f**king nuts.
Terrorism in Palestine. You do not want people to know about the King David hotel bombing do you? The Israeli terrorists killed 91 people and injured 46.
From Fox News: Israelis on 9/11
Dancing Israelis on 9/11
The best you can do is the King David bombing? That’s pathetic. A bombing from 1948?
Jesus, there’s not a week that goes by where Muslims don’t blow up a crowded market, an international aid compound, a Shiite mosque, a Russian building and all you can do is dig up an event from 1948?
You’re really desperate aren’t you?
Yeah, the King David bombing was nice and Jewy wasn’t it? You are a disgusting typical zionist that revels in the deaths of “goyim”. You think that by comparing the degenerate Jews with your degenerate Muslim cousins, that Whites are going to have a better opinion about you degenerates? Cheap zionist mind tricks don’t work against those not brainwashed by Jew tv
I had no idea the Daily Cougar was also a neo-Nazi website.
I guess those who comment here have a low regard for anyone other than pure Aryans.
Do I have this right?
We don’t like when Zionists excuse Israeli terrorism.
Boycott Israel. Remember the USS Liberty that was attacked by Israel. They tried to kill all American sailors on board. Fortunately the brave American sailors fought back. See what the survivors say about the deliberate Israeli attack. Israel is not our ally.
Generally speaking Israel has been a great ally to America unlike Muslims whose affinity for killing Americans is seemingly insatiable.
Muslims affinity for killing Americans only seems exceeded by their apparent fondness for killing one another.
Great ally murdering American sailors and stealing secrets like the traitor Jonathan Pollard! That shows how terrible Israel is for America if the zionists have to compare themselves to Muslims. Israel is only an “ally” when it comes to taking our money. They are leaches of the American taxpayer and a threat to our national security.
Really? This is Israel’s relationship with America?
You left out a few things I think such as all the joint ventures in the medical, science and other industries and markets. The shared wealth of Israeli scientists discoveries in these fields (something I do not need to remind you is non-existent in any Muslim country).
Also it is stipulated in the aid America gives Israel that a large percentage of it is used to buy American military and other goods. This is an agreement Israel honors unlike all the agreements America signs with countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, the Palestinians who then spit in our face.
Your anti-Semitism says nothing about Israel, but speaks volumes about what a petty, small-minded, hate-filled person you are.
All lies little zionist. You really are an Israel-firster and showing where your true loyalty lies! More and more Americans are waking up to what a plague Israel is upon America. So many Americans have lost their lives in stupid wars like Iraq lobbied by AIPAC so that the Likudniks can feel safe. Israel was never an ally of America. We have no need for Israel being a parasite. Israel cannot exist without America. Using AIPAC stooges in Washington, the US taxpayers were giving money to the Israelis for them to copy our F-16. The IAI Lavi was developed with American money and the Israeli “allies” transfered this technology to China so that the Chinese could develop the Chengdu J-10. Thanks to some real patriots this whole scheme was exposed.
It would be more benefitial for America to spend the billions of dollars in aid it gives an enemy like Israel to develop our own Infrastructure and R&D. Israel should look for another country to milk dry.
He could be one of those Israeli students paid to be a blogger writing pro-Israel propaganda
You got it backwards, Crusader.
Israel had as much to do with the Iraq War as they had with the Muslims killing one million Sudanese.
Israel had as much to do with the Iraq War as they did with the 7 year Iran/Iraq War where Sunnis and Shiites murdered one million of each other because (you guessed it) different sects of Islam cannot even live peacefully side-by-side with one another.
Israel had as much to do with the Iraq War as they did with the Muslim genocide of over one million Hindus in Bangladesh in the early 1970s.
The common denominator is Islam, not Israel.
Muslims have killed 5,000 Buddhists in southern Thailand in the last several years.
Muslims have killed Russians, Chinese, Animists, Buddhists, homosexuals, Zoroastrians and Bahia, Muslims kill one another all the time with Sunnis and Shiites and Kurds all fighting for dominance.
In Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Nigeria Muslims are fighting someone everyday and it has NOTHING to do with Israel but everything to do with Islam’s core tenets of intercine warfare until Islam dominates the globe and the worldwide caliphate reigns supreme.
I’ve read your other comments. You go on and on about Muslims in a cheap attempt to cover up Israeli’s evil deeds.
Israeli lobbying has an enormous influence on the foreign policy of America. AIPAC doesn’t give campaign contributions(bribes) for nothing!
Good thing Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, Dubai and all the other oil rich Islamic countries do not do the same thing too.
It’s always Israel’s fault is what you are really saying.
It’s time to play pin the tail on the neo-Nazi.
You’re pinned Crusader.
You’re a neo-Nazi! Herr Hitler is calling, time to jump to it.
Arafat said: “Good thing Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, Dubai and all the other
oil rich Islamic countries do not do the same thing too.”
Like Israel, they are enemies of America. Their influence on our foreign policy has only brought harm to America.
I think Israel is America’s ally and in an amoral world – like the one mankind has always lived in. That said this alliance has not been without many practical problems.
Unlike Europe, though, we have not completely sold our soul for the petrol $$$. One can always count on the Europeans to do the wrong thing. To sell out the Jews for the latest manifestation of Hitler and his ilk.
Are you willing to die for Israel? I don’t think so. You rather have America do your dirty work.
WTF is that supposed to mean?
Last I’d heard most Israeli kids join the IDF and do what they have to do to protect their land from the 300 million Muslim neighbors who would destroy her if they could.
Those IDF pansies that shoot Palestinian kids throwing rocks?
Hahaha. The jewboy “soldiers” are a joke. Real men like my buddies and I that served in a real military know how to fight. You would take sh#t in your pants if you were in Ramadi with us. The IDF vs US army would have NO chance, unless it was a Jew Hollywood production fairy tale. Jews lobby for America to destroy its enemies because they are too cowardly to do it themselves. Your Jew prince Kissinger called soldiers ” dumb, stupid animals to be used”. Veterans want to serve America, not Jews.
Sad many people don’t know about the USS Liberty attack committed by Israel. Jewish Hollywood would never make a heroic movie about those brave American sailors.
This is from Wikipedia. For whatever it is worth it exonerates Israel. But since this site is littered with neo-Nazis let’s malign Israel instead for something that happened 45 years ago and during the middle of a war.
“Israel apologized for the attack, saying that the USS Liberty had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship’s identity,[2] though others, including survivors of the attack, have rejected these conclusions and maintain that the attack was deliberate.[6]”
Begs the question: Texan, how does this compare to the WTC attacks and the hundreds of other attacks against western interests by Islamists over the last ten years?
Arafat wrote: “For whatever it is worth it exonerates Israel.”
It does not exonerate Israel. Israel deliberatly attacked the USS Liberty. I have had Israelis tell me to my face that they are proud the IDF attacked the USS Liberty. No patriotic American would condone what Israel did. Are you an Israeli?
Most sailors I’ve talked to do not believe the Israeli government made a mistake.
Yup. Only Israeli apologists would say it was an accident.
Is this some sort of comedy routine.
“Most sailors I talk to…”
I really didn’t know you hung out in a bar with sailors.
In any case American authorities determined it was an accident. Accidents happen during war. Some more awful than others and this one was awful.
But it happened almost 50 years ago and it is all you can dig up to make a case against Israel. That’s pretty lame, sailor boy.
It doesn’t matter what the “authorities” said. They will do anything to cover up Israel’s crimes. Its pretty lame that an Israel-firster doesn’t give a #@#$ about American sailors.
Wow! I never knew about it! I wonder if it has something to do with the high number of Jews employed in key-level positions at the major news channels.
It’s time to play pin the tail on the neo-Nazi.
General Patton, you’ve been pinned.
You’re our latest neo-Nazi!
You will like this quote from the Palestinian Authority. Maybe you wrote it?
“Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor that people would
be competing to belong to, and not a disgrace punishable by law.”
Are you denying the fact that Jews have an enormous influence and over-representation in the Media? I’m not just talking about anchors and “journalists” but the actual people in charge. Even your brother Joel Stein admits Jews control Hollywood.
I never denied that. They do.
No different that their over representation in the sciences and the arts. Not my fault their religion obviously encourages traits that lead to success.
What’s sad is when losers like you hate them for their success. That’s called envy.
You might be a happier person if you learn to overcome your propensity for envy. Jesus would encourage you to do so.
When Jews dominate places of power its called “networking” or “hard work”
When WASPS dominate places of power its called “white privilege”, “good old boy’s club” and “discrimination” that requires Affirmative Action to stop fix it.
Jews are not in their position due to intelligence. Rather it is due to the fact that Jews are taught at an early age the importance of helping each other keep the power within the Jewish community, while the non-Jews are taught that they shouldn’t help anyone based on race, creed, color or religion. However the Jewish media and Hollywood are declining. The Jewish bankers that have destroyed the economy have been exposed. Its harder for the Jews to keep their activities hidden from the awaking public. Jews are a parasitic group that feeds of the genius and hard work of the non-Jews.
Please don’t use Jesus in your arguments. I know how you Zionists view Jesus. I know what the Rabbis teach Jews about Jesus and Mary.
What a disturbing video mocking Jesus. I’ll have to show my pastor.
That Israeli video in which they make fun of Jesus is completely uncalled for. If someone had done the same thing here in the States, the ADL would be in an uproar.
Great sarcasm. The ADL is a foreign spy agency (Mossad-lite) They spy on Americans critical of Israel and refuse to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide committed by their Turkish brothers.
“The ADL has for many years refused to acknowledge that the Armenian Genocide constituted a genocide. The ADL has actively engaged in efforts to oppose Congressional affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.”
Now I understand thanks to your brilliant and insightful explanation.
Jews did not win 25% of the Nobel Prizes because of pioneering and brilliant research and insights but because of networking and thievery.
It all makes sense now.
Time to play pin the tail on the neo-Nazi.
General, you’re pinned.
By the way, I am NOT one who is for all this diversity bullcrap or PC childishness. I AM for letting people prove themselves in the free markets.
Unlike you, I’m willing to admit this includes networking. Rich Jews help get their kids into Ivy League schools just as rich WASPs do. That’s part of the game – sort of the underside of the game.
Money buys power – anyone who denies that is living in lalaland. WASPs do it, Jews do it, blacks do it too.
That’s the game we play in.
That said, Jews are far more successful than any other group of people. I believe the reasons are two-fold.
I suppose genetics come in to play, but I also think it is because of their religion’s focus on education, curiosity and being open minded (not that all Jews – or even most Jews – are).
Jews are sort of the inverse of Muslims whose religion teaches close-mindedness, disinterest in asking questions, etc….
It’s little wonder these two religious groups turn out people who are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
And then there are neo-Nazis like you. Their religion is that of the dumb high school jock; frustrated and over-muscled, unable to string two sentences together and prone to violence as an emotional high. Losers like you with too much power who are highly effective at destroying what’s good.
The Jews promote afirmative action that is detrimental to qualified whites, but they will not give up their roles in the banking, media/hollywood, and political sphere. The Jews are not smarter than Whites. The Nobel prizes are awarded based on politics. Nikola Tesla and Wernher von Braun did not win a Nobel prize but they positively contributed to mankind more than any Jewish Nobel laureat could ever do. Jews and Muslims are very similar. Both come from a backward region of the planet and should stay in their backward places. If it wasn’t for the Whites, Jews would still be herding sheep and stoning eachother. Automobiles, Airplanes, Democracy, and the most important inventions were made by Whites not Jews. We have communism and many other plagues thanks to Jews.
Earth to General Patton….come in please….there’s a job opening at the Taliban’s propaganda ministry and you’re their man.
General Patton, are you open to psychiatric counseling?
There’s hope for people like you. Not much hope, but the first step is always the hardest.
I find your insanity sort of sexy in an insane sort of way.
What gets you hard? Pictures of corpses?
Just kidding. Really, just having a little fun over here and, YES, it is at YOUR expense.
You’re too easy, General Patton. Way too easy.
Thanks for the sharing the video. Eye opener!
Every American should know about the USS Liberty attack by Israel. The US should have responded with war against Israel for such a provocation.
Scarlett Johansson is a Jew, you moron.
For future reference:
Actors of fully Jewish background: -Logan Lerman,
Natalie Portman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mila Kunis, Bar Refaeli, James Wolk,
Julian Morris, Esti Ginzburg, Kat Dennings, Erin Heatherton, Odeya Rush, Anton
Yelchin, Paul Rudd, Scott Mechlowicz, Lizzy Caplan, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Gal
Gadot, Robert Kazinsky, Melanie Laurent, Marla Sokoloff, Shiri Appleby, Justin
Bartha, Adam Brody, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Gabriel Macht, Halston Sage, Seth
Gabel, Alden Ehrenreich.
Actors with Jewish mothers and non-Jewish fathers -Jake Gyllenhaal, Dave
Franco, Scarlett Johansson, Daniel Radcliffe, Alison Brie, Eva Green, Emmy
Rossum, Jennifer Connelly, Eric Dane, Jeremy Jordan, Joel Kinnaman.
Actors with Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers, who themselves were either
raised as Jews and/or identify as Jews: -Andrew Garfield, Ezra Miller, Gwyneth
Paltrow, Alexa Davalos, Nat Wolff, James Maslow, Josh Bowman, Ben Foster, Nikki
Reed, Zac Efron, Jonathan Keltz.
Actors with one Jewish-born parent and one parent who converted to Judaism
-Dianna Agron, Sara Paxton (whose father converted, not her mother), Alicia
Silverstone, Jamie-Lynn Sigler.