Between tuition, membership fees for clubs, textbooks and school supplies, money can be tight for college students.
Junior sociology major Jeremy Collins is hoping his new app, Frugal Birthday, will make outings more affordable.
For now, the app is available for iOS devices, with an Android version in development. It is free to download, a price that reflects what Collins, the marketing officer, wants for students of UH.
“The Frugal Birthday app… enables the public to gain access to birthday offers to enjoy their favorite restaurants or places for a fraction of the price or free,” Collins said.
Houston is a big city, and it is hard to save money when you don’t necessarily know where to look. It can be very time consuming to go online and group together several different offers for various places. That is where Frugal Birthday steps in.
The app has several different categories, including food, retail and service. If you are worried it may only be useful once a year, UH alumnus and developer Mark Dunes has good news.
“Frugal Birthday is designed to cater to the individual’s birthday needs, but as a bonus a lot of the businesses offer benefits and coupons just for signing up and continue to send enjoyable offers at random times to show their appreciation to costumers,” Dunes said.
Collins and Dunes were able to make the app with the help of the CollegeBlink Organization, an organization that seeks to empower college students across the nation with technology to help them succeed.
“During college, money and resources can become limited and saving is important. Any coupon or deal helps,” Collins said. “Besides, who loves free stuff more than college students?”