News Student Government

SGA presidential debate scheduled for Thursday


SGA presidential candidates Sam Perez, Shaun Smith and Elisha Diaz will debate on Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Law Center. | Justin Tijerina/The Cougar

Student Government Association presidential candidates — REDvolution candidate Shaun Smith, The “We” Party II candidate Elisha Diaz, and independent Sam Perez — will take part in a debate hosted by The Cougar from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday in Rm. 144 of the UH Law Center.

During the first portion of the debate, candidates will answer questions prepared for them by The Cougar, while the second portion will field questions from the audience and tweets using #UHDebate. Major issues that affect students will be hashed out among the candidates, including the increasing tensions between SGA and the administration, parking and transportation, food services, residential and student life and on-campus programming.

The debate will be moderated by outgoing Faculty Senate President Wynne Chin.

For live updates on the debate, be sure to follow @thedailycougar on Twitter.

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  • I’m really hoping that there is a bright future under one of these candidates. This year’s SGA has been marred by what seems to be one man’s quest to make a name for himself. I’ve never seen an SGA president that comes off as smarmy and self-righteous as Mr. Haston. I hope they get back to working for the students and the campus instead of conducting witch hunts designed to get one man’s name in the paper.

  • And of course, Dr. Chin will use this as another opportunity to hurt the reputations of anyone who doesn’t blindly suck up to Dr. Carlucci.

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