Campus News

METRO delays rail opening until May

The PurpleFile photo/The Cougar

This is the second delay for the Purple line, which was originally supposed to open in December. | File photo/The Cougar

More delays have plagued the METRORail onĀ Wheeler Street, which will runĀ alongside the south side of campus. The opening of the Purple line has now been delayed to May, although an exact date has not been set.

“We hope to have an exact date within a week,” Vice President and Senior Press Officer of METROĀ Jerome Gray said. “The contractor was delayed a few weeks in turning over the system to METRO for our pre-revenue testing.”

This is the second delay for the rail line, which was originally set to open in December but delayed to April.

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  • Of course, why am I not surprised? I understand a couple delays here and there, but this entire fiasco has proven METRO to be unbelievably incompetent. I’m not even sure the line will be ready by the time I graduate in 2 years. It’s ridiculous.

    • Tell me about it, when I first chose to live on campus as an incoming freshman, I, and many others, were expecting the METROrail line being completed so we could go off campus every now and then to explore the city, shop around, go to pro sports games and eat at nice restaurants on the weekends. Without a car, we’re basically stranded on campus or forced to go home for the weekends. Guess I’m just a fool for having heavy hopes for my college experiences on a stupid METRORail line.

      • You based your entire college experience on a MetroRail line? That is indeed most unfortunate. Also, you apparently do not know that the Metro buses actually go to more places in this city, than the rail lines does or will. So if you really want to explore the city, you might not want to have such a limited vision.

  • Why are you guys depending on the metro rail. There are about five different bus lines that come through that can take you directly to downtown or to different areas of Houston. Take 88, 163, or even 42. You can take 42 to bus 81 and you’ll be right there in montrose and it also goes to the galleria area. The busses are way better than the metro rail. And being a student you get 50% off your fare if you send in a form.

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